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'I don't want to go'
'We have to show up...that's all I ask'
'Its hard enough having to talk on the phone! Being in person with all their stupid questions!?'

Bucky exaggeratedly shuddered and tried to walk away but Sam put an arm around his shoulder, pulling him back.

'I know it's annoying but...I'm now Captain America...they want to know me- need to know me!'

He pulled a disgusted face but quickly smiled again.

'We can stay for a few hours and then you can make an excuse to leave'

Sam shot Bucky a pleading smile, that briefly stopped his heart. Eventually he sighed.


Sam linked his arm, laughing, causing Bucky to pull away, attempting to wipe the blush off his face.

'I said I'd stay not act friendly with you'
'Okay okay'

They knocked on the door of the house.


Bucky had been watching everyone talking and drinking for almost 2 hours. And Sam.

Charming Sam.

Charming Sam who had managed to persuade him to come to the party. Beautiful, perfect, amazing, gorgeous...

Sam Wilson.

Okay maybe I'm losing it.

'Sergeant Barnes?'

Bucky snapped his head up from his glass of wine.

'Um...I just have a few question for you...about Karli Morgenthau (?) and the flagsmashers'

Bucky tried not to roll his eyes. He managed to force a smile onto his face and stood up.

'Go on'
'So...I was wondering how you found the-'

Bucky found himself distracted by Sam across the room.

He was wearing a navy blue suit with the top button undone. He was chatting, smiling, socializing-

Bucky found himself walking towards Sam, ignoring the woman.

'-So what is your relationship with Sam like?'
'Great. Amazing'

Bucky continued walking away, barely listening to her.

'And live together?'
'Yep. Perfect'

She pulled out a notebook, smiling excitedly. Her first big story in a long time!

Perfect, sweet Sam.

'And...this might be pushing it but...are you in a relationship?'
'Yes. Love it!'

Aw look at him.

She froze, her mouth dropping open. Bucky was almost through the crowd. She couldn't hold it in.


The room went silent, turning to look at Bucky. He froze, processing what she had just said.

'I'm sorry...what?'

Sambucky one shots (Requests?)Where stories live. Discover now