Too Late

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A lil pain to start the day

Tw: blood, injuries, verbal abuse?

Enjoy! ❤️

Words whispered in his ear.

'You're not good enough'

A hand resting on his shoulder, reminding him of the pain from the night before.

'You don't deserve anything'

The familiar, beautiful face of Sam Wilson. With an unfamiliar sinister expression.

He grabbed Buckys face, forcing him to make eye contact with Sam. Bucky struggled to retain eye contact because only hours before those same eyes had been filled with love.

But now they were filled with hate...

But excitement at the prospect of punishing him.

Buckys head spun, blood running down his forehead. How had Sam managed to do this to him.

He wasn't as strong as the super soldier. He wasn't violent.

It couldn't have been a choice.

'You need to die'

Sam was smiling at Buckys terrified expression. Bucky knew Sam would never forgive himself if he hurt Bucky.

Sam lifted the knife.

He closed his eyes.


Bucky was going to do it. He had to. There was no other chance.

He had to tell Sam.


He spoke. Before he could even prepare what he was going to say. Sam turned, a sweet smile on his face.


He looked eager. Like he knew what was about to happen.

His eyes lit up when Bucky stepped closer. His excitement was visible. His mouth fell open in a slightly nervous smile as Bucky placed a hand on his arm.

'I've been feeling like this for a while now and...'

His words trailed off as Sam leaned in closer.

'Go on'
'It's stupid'

Sam looked up, his brown eyes meeting the assassins blue. They both froze briefly, the look unlocking something in them both.

'Tell me'

Bucky swallowed nervously and opened his mouth to continue.

'I-I love you, Sam Wilson'

Sam's mouth fell open. But Bucky wasn't done.

'I love your voice and how it calms me when I hear it. I love your eyes and how they light up when you see me. I love your walk, with a small swagger which let's everyone know who's boss. I love how you always blast Marvin Gaye when you come visit because you know I secretly love it. I love how you dance to my music when you think I'm not looking. I love you-'

Sam grabbed Buckys face, cutting off his words. Their lips met.

The kiss was everything Bucky had been waiting for. It was sweet and with the gentlest of touches Bucky was being pushed back against a wall.

Who knew a kiss could make you fall in love even more?

It didn't last long enough.

They pulled apart, both breathing heavily, their eyes wide.

'I... I never knew'
''re perfect'

They both wanted each other. They wanted more.

But before anything else could happen the dark room lit up with bright lights from outside. They both sprung apart, already prepared for a fight.

And then there were the gunshots.

Bucky knocking Sam to the ground to save him.

Then the pellet gun.

Sam hit. Screaming.

Bucky couldn't see. Someone grabbing his arm. Then a gunshot. Blood running from his right arm.

Pain. Unbearable pain.

Then Sam.

Bucky had blacked out.


San raised the knife. Bucky knew it was over. He had accepted it.

'I love you'

The sudden pain in his chest and then all the sound was rushing out. Blood seeping from his chest. A waste of a life.

And Sam's eyes blinking. Realisation passing through his face.

Looking at his hands. At the knife. At the blood.

And then it hit him.

Screaming. Grabbing at Buckys arms. Begging him to stay.

But it was too late.

All he could do was cry and hold and kiss Bucky and wish he had realised earlier.

Sorry for the pain. Hope you enjoyed!

Birthday one shot number 1 done! 🥳🥳🥳

Stay safe :)

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