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This was requested by Cereal_Killer_2021

Thank u sm for the request! Ilysm 🥺❤️

There was nowhere to go.

He could hear fast footsteps and shouts coming up the stairs behind him. In front of him there was a long drop.

And Bucky did not like heights.

Him and Sam had been doing well. They had not had to hurt anyone and they had done what they had to- intercept the fight. But somehow they had got split up and now bucky was on the roof and Sam was who knew where.

He had to find him. But memories from the train were flashing through his head and he could not bring himself to move.

He turned back to the exit door of the roof. Maybe he could fight his way through the people. Maybe.

He didn't want to hurt anyone.

'Bucky! Where are you?!'


Bucky sucked in a breath before glancing over the side of the roof. His stomach dropped looking down on the city. So high up.

Until he saw Sam.

He was up in the air, just in front of him looking around. Searching for Bucky.

'Sam. I-I'm here'

His teeth were chattering. Not from the cold.

At the sound of his voice, Sam glanced up and smiled in relief. But only for a second. Soon a panicked look had reappeared on his face.

'Bucky we have to go! What are you-'


Bucky jumped and glanced behind him. He had barricaded the door but it sounded like they were breaking through already.

He was running out of time.

'Bucky, you'll have to jump!'

Bucky instantly paled. Sam could see the fear in his eyes, even from a few metres away. He knew why.

'I'll catch you! I won't let you fall!'

Bucky took a deep breath and glanced over the side of the roof. He could do this. He could do this.

He could-

He froze. This was impossible.

Sam was calling him again. His expression was sympathetic but gradually getting more and more panicked. They had no time.


Bucky spun to the source of the sound. The door was partly destroyed at the bottom. They were kicking it in.

Oh no no no.

Before he could have a panic attack, Sam's voice was breaking its way in again.

'Bucky. I'm here. Just jump. I will catch you'

He tore his eyes away from the door, forcing himself to look over the side of the steep building to Sam. The only person he had.

He had to do this for him.

'I will catch you, Bucky. Believe me. I
would never let you get hurt'

Bucky forced his teeth to stop chattering and tried to form words.

'Sam, I - I can't move'


Sambucky one shots (Requests?)Where stories live. Discover now