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He was in a bright, white room with empty walls and no furniture. The lights were blinding so he had to shield his eyes from the bright beams.

What was he doing here?

He looked around his surroundings, listening hard, hoping to find something recognisable. An object, a sound, a person.


It was Sam. He had appeared behind Bucky.

He was glad to see his friend in such a confusing and strange place.


He walked towards him, a smile on his face. He was glad something here was familiar.

Sam crossed the room in 2 steps and stepped close to Bucky.

'Hey Sam! Whoa.... Thats a bit close'

Sam didn't listen but instead took Bucky in his arms and pressed against him.

'Wait what are you doin-'.

Sam kissed him, making Bucky's head spin and shut down. He couldn't think. All he could do was kiss Sam back.

Sam pulled away and studied Bucky's face.

'I-What was that for?'

Sam tilted his chin upwards.

'You'll see'

And pushed him backwards, through a door, onto a bed.


Bucky woke up, drenched in sweat and took a shaky breath.

Well that was... Interesting.

He got out of bed to turn the ac on. It was too hot.

The dream. He had never thought of Sam in that way before but now... He wasn't so sure.

Thanks a lot, dream.

He knew he wouldn't be getting back to sleep so he headed downstairs. That was the first time he had been woken by a dream and not a nightmare.

That's a plus.

He replayed the dream through his mind.

'I-What was that for?'
'You'll see'

No no no.

Him and Sam were partners- coworkers. He didn't have... Romantic dreams about him.

What was wrong with him?!

He needed to take his mind off of it.

He took his phone out, onto tinder and scrolled through the profiles he'd swiped on.

All he could see was Sam, Sam, Sam, Sam.

Ahhhh no.

This was not good. Next time he saw Sam he would just act weird if he couldn't get rid of all these thoughts cycling through his head.

Sam's a friend. No. Sam's a coworker. He is strictly professional with you. Professional. No romance. Be chill.

He cool.

His phone rang.

Bucky jumped in his seat snd then shook his head, laughing at himself. It was just his phone. He picked it up and looked at it.


Ahhh no. Why now?

First off, it was early. He checked the time.

Wait no. It was 10.


OK no. It wasn't early. But it was just his luck that after having... A questionable dream about Sam that he would ring him.

He glanced at his phone.

Should I pick up. Should I pick up?

Pick up.

Pick up Sam?


Bucky tried to press decline the call when he accidently slipped, pressing answer.

'NOOO- Oh hi S-Sam'
'Bucky are you OK?'

Just hearing Sam's voice was causing Buckys heart rate to increase. What was happening to him?

'OK good. Because I need you'

Need you? Sam needed him!

And then Bucky was off on a daydream.

First kiss, first date, marriage, kids and then living together forever and eve-

'BUCKY! Are you still there?'

Bucky jumped and almost dropped his phone.

'Wha-I mean yes. I'm he- I'm here'

He heard Sam sigh and then say in his sweet, beautiful, melodic voice.

OK that's enough.

'So... Can you get to the facility by 12?'

Bucky almost cried out of annoyance. Just another mission.

How would he handle seeing Sam now?!


He was not looking forward to this.

HEY Y'ALL. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Honestly I sorta want to make a part 2 but idk 😂

I hope you are all great!

As always if you have any suggestions or feedback please comment ☺️❤️

Stay safe :)

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