As The World Caves In (Wip)

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Based off the song above. You don't have to listen to it of course but you can if you want ☺


Bucky looked at Sam, staring out at the lake as the sun set. Just as everything had seemed perfect, it was all over.

Sam turned to him, pulling him closer. There were tears in his eyes, threatening to spill. He took a shaky breath and began whispering into Bucky's ear.

'I don't want to go, Bucky. I don't want to leave you'

Hearing Sam's shaky, terrified voice was making Bucky realise the gravity of the situation. He took Sam's face in his hands and pressed his forehead against Sam's.

'I know. But we are together. Always'

Sam began crying. Terrible, gut wrenching sobs. All Bucky could do was hold him tight and whisper that 'It would be okay. Everything will be okay'

Even when he knew it wouldn't be.

They both looked out at the sun setting, hand in hand. It wasn't fair. Just as they had found each other it was all over.

And there was nothing they could do.

It was over.

It was strange being the comforting one. Sam was usually so put together and always cared for Bucky. But now he was falling apart. He didn't want to die.

But Bucky had accepted dying. Multiple times.

This wasn't new. He always found a way to survive. But this time... It was over.

And he had only got his happy ending. With Sam. Who he loved.

They both looked out to the horizon as the light went out, the whole world watching the end.

'I love you'
'I love you too-'


So this is a piece of trash but I'm too lazy to do anything with imma just leave it 😭

It's a work in progress I think...

Stay safe :)

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