Crying In The Dark

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Sam lay there in the dark, just listening. The house was silent. Peaceful. Quiet.

Until he heard him.

Across the room was James Bucky Barnes. On the previous day they had had a mission and needed a place to stay afterwards so they had booked a last minute hotel room. There had only been one room left so they had shared. But Sam didn't mind. As long as they were safe and comfortable he was happy.

But now he could hear sounds coming from the opposite bed. Sniffles and small sobs.

Bucky was crying.

Sam waited a minute to confirm before speaking up.


Silence. The crying stopped. He was holding his breath.

'Are you crying?'
'... No'

Sam sat up and squinted across to him. He could just about make out the shape of Bucky in the dark.

'I know you are. What's wrong?'

He heard Bucky sigh and movement. Sam decided to sit up and turn the light on.

'I'm turning the light on'

Sam walked across the room to press the light switch. He could see a bit more clearly now.

'Wait no! Don't turn it on!'

Sam paused, his hand on the light switch. The sudden noise stopped.

'Bucky? Please talk to me'

He heard Bucky sigh softly and in the dark he could see him sitting up.

'Bucky. Are you ok?'
'I'm fine. Go back to sleep'

Sam ignored the super soldiers request and instead walked over to his bed. As he got closer he could see Bucky's face in the half light of the room. He looked exhausted and upset. He hadn't slept.

Sam sat down on the edge of the bed beside Bucky, ignoring the obvious surprise coming from his friend.

He took a second to give Bucky a chance to accept where he was sitting and began talking.

'I'm not going to force you to talk, man but I just want to let you know you always can with me'

He leaned against Bucky, pressing their shoulders together. He felt Bucky tense up at the sudden contact and he gently placed his hand on the man's arm in an attempt to calm him down.

He began speaking in a low whisper to encourage Bucky to answer.

'Bucky. I know you haven't slept. You must be exhausted. Is there anything I can do for you?'

He heard Bucky stifle a yawn, further proving his point. He turned his head to look at Bucky and frowned in concern.

He needed to show him that he cared.

But Bucky wouldn't believe his words.

Slowly as not to scare him off, Sam took Bucky hands, causing the super soldier to flinch away.

'Hey hey its OK. Let me'

He slowly traced down Bucky's vibranium and flesh hand as a distraction. At first Bucky was tense but as Sam held his hands longer he relaxed more.

Sam dared to sneak a glance at his face. Bucky was watching Sam's hand joined with his own, his eyes glazed over. Yep, he was tired.

Now that Bucky was calm, Sam needed to find out the problem.

'So Bucky... Why were you crying?'

To his surprise, Bucky began to talk.

'I couldn't sleep for ages and when I did eventually, I had a nightmare. I haven't had nightmares in a while so it was especially bad'

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