Hide and seek

824 33 83

TW:Gunshots, blood, death, angsty stuff

Ps: This probably isn't accurate...


'Stop it Bucky'

Bucky fell silent, keeping his head buried in his book. A page turned. The rustle of the page and then the sigh. Sam thought he had forgotten about it until a minute later when he rolled over to face Sam, pouting.


They stared at eachother for a moment, silent. Bucky keeping eye contact for too long. Like he'd always.

Sam tore his eyes away and got off the bed.

'No. Don't call me that'

Bucky marked his book and got up, facing Sam. Sam looked down.

'I'll stop if you want me to but...I'm just wondering why it bothers you so much...'

Sam tried to think why.

It hadn't strike him as a bad name. Just something was wrong about it.

He thought.

And Bucky stared at him. Beautiful, bright blue eyes. Curious.

And Sam remembered her eyes.

And Sam remembered.


'Sammy! Where have you gone?'

He giggled, keeping his head down. Hidden.


He heard her steps drawing closer and her light laugh as she spotted the top of his head, peeking out.

'Sam. I've got you'

He popped up, grabbing his mom. She laughed and hugged him tightly, kissing his head.

'You're the best hider I know...'




His father fell, hitting his head hard. Blood spilled from the place he hit. The gunshot wound, deep.


She gasped, pushing them away.

'Hide for me'


Sam ran.


Sam sat on the bed. His knees felt weak. His heart was racing.

'Sam are you okay?'

And Sam raised his head and spoke the truth. For the first time. He told Bucky.


I hope you enjoyed this sadness 😭

Stay safe :)

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