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Bucky laughed, looking out the window.

'Shut up, Steve...'

As soon as the word left his mouth he froze. Realising his mistake.

'I-I mean-it's just...'
'I'm not Steve'

Bucky turned to Sam, blushing and apologising. He couldn't look at him. He walked across the room, turning his back to his friend.

He'd forgotten.

Steve and Sam. Completely different except for one thing.

They both made Bucky feel the same way.

Like he was flying. Like he was falling. Like he was truly alive.

'I'm sorry. I-I forgot who I was with'

Sam nodded coming up behind Bucky. Bucky tensed as he sensed Sam's presence.

'Do you trust me?'

Sam passed behind him and whispered.

'You're a good person. You don't need Steve. You need to find yourself without him. You can't stay hung up on him'

Bucky nodded, closing his eyes.

'You're not the person you... Used to be. You never were that person anyway. But Steve isn't here so you need to let that all go'

Bucky could feel the conversation leading up to something. Something big.

'Steve...trusted me. Are you like Steve?'

Sam walked in front of Bucky and faced him. Staring him straight in the eyes.

'I'm not Steve, Bucky. I'm different'

He stepped closer so Bucky could feel Sams breath on his face and see every little detail. He closed his eyes, unable to keep eye contact this close.

'I'm different. Maybe I remind you of him? Maybe. But overall I can't just be your replacement for Steve'

He gently brought his hand up to Bucky's face to cup it slightly then pulled away, leaving Bucky feeling guilty.

Sam left the room.

He's not Steve he's not Steve he's not Steve. He's not a replacement. He's Sam. New. Good. Sam.

Maybe he can be yours.

* * *


Sam stuck his head into the room. He had heard the slip up.

'Bucky. Stop'
'Stop what?'

Bucky actually was confused. Stop what? Sam stepped into his room and walked over to him.

'I'm not saying to forget him but-Well technically I am'

Sam stopped, a few feet away from Bucky, looking him in the eyes.

'Forget him'
'Because its holding you back'

Bucky looked at his feet, feeling nervous. Forget Steve? He understood what Sam was saying but he couldn't just forget Steve...

Could he?

Suddenly Sam crossed the room and pulled Bucky into his arms. Bucky froze, his face centimetres from Sam's. Sam leaned in and whispered in his ear, his voice soft and barely audible.

'And if that's too hard, I'll help you'

Before Bucky could react, Sam was kissing him. All thoughts of Steve went out the window. His hands, useless and limp by his sides were grabbed by Sam, pulling them around his neck. His legs felt unstable and he knew he would fall if it wasn't for Sam holding him tightly in his arms.

'And if that doesn't work'

Sam dropped his arms down to Bucky shoulders and pushed him back against the wall, pinning him there.  Bucky couldn't even process what was happening.

And then it was over. Sam pulled away, leaving Bucky dizzy and aching for more. He looked Bucky up and down and then headed to the door.

Bucky at last got control over his body again and before he could stop himself was calling Sam back.


Sam paused at the door, turning around to look at Bucky. Bucky didn't want to ask for this. He didn't want to. He couldn't. It was weak but-

'P-Please kiss me...'

Sam smirked but shook his head, looking slightly sad.

'Not until you're thinking of me'

He left.

Bucky stood there, unsteady and eventually collapsed on the bed, feeling worse than before.

How the hell am I meant to just forget Steve?

* * *

Y'ALL guys Sam's being real needy. This was a toxic (?) mess but still 😂

Omg whoa tho this was a mess.

I hope you enjoyed ☺

Pt 2?😂 Idk


Stay safe :)

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