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Bucky stumbled out the door of his room, tripping as he made his way towards Sam. He brought his hands up to his neck, choking on his words.


Sam rushed towards him, reaching out just as he fell. He had no idea what was wrong. All he knew was that he had to help his friend.

But as Bucky lay passed out on the floor and Sam was unable to wake him up, he got more and more panicked.

So he called for help.


'Sam Wilson...we sentence you to life in prison'

Sam keep his head down, his hands clasped together, trying to hide his fidgeting.

'It wasn't me'

The same words he had repeated everyday since his death.

He had lost everything.


'Sam...I'm sorry to tell you this but...James has passed away'

His dignity.

Grabbed and cuffed.

'What are you doin-'
'You killed him. No point in hiding it'

And he was dragged to the cell.

His title.

'Captain America is no longer the man we can trust...he has been found guilty of murdering sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, formally know as the winter soldier'

Sam raised his head.

'I didn't do it'

The judge smiled, looking disgusted behind the fake smile. She spoke sarcastically.

'And I'm not a judge...'

She dropped her smile.

'You can go'

Sam was grabbed and cuffed. He couldn't hear or see as he was dragged to his cell. Counting the days. Everything was lost.

Everything was lost.



Bucky's life was going well. He had Sam (who he loved) and he had made more friends. He had a cat and a great apartment which he shared with his...friend.

But he loved Sam.

Life was good.

The package was neat. The writing on it was not familiar.

But Bucky had got so used to a safe, happy life that he wasn't suspicious and didn't check the senders location.

High. D. RA

He opened the box, curious to see the contents. He could hear Sam singing in the kitchen. He felt safe.

The box opened.


Bucky frowned in confusion but tipped it upside down, shaking it.

That was the mistake.

The small dust particles concealed in the edges, fell out and spread out around the room. Bucky didn't notice anything was wrong until the pain set in.



He didn't take any notice.

Until he coughed up blood.

The minute the blood covered his hands he realised. He needed help.

So he stumbled out of his room, screaming Sam's name.

But then he fell.

The last he saw was Sam Wilson's beautiful face, looking terrified.

He had never got to say goodbye.

Or I love you...


I'm sad :'(

I hope you enjoyed ☺️ even though it was a tad sad and short.

Tad? What does that even mean 😅


Any short suggestions I can do quickly for y'all? So you have some quick reads...

Stay safe :)

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