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Thank you do much for the suggestion marvellove15 Ilysm 🥺 ❤️ Sorry it's so late!

Bucky entered the apartment and instantly knew something was wrong. Sam wasn't sitting in his usual place at the kitchen table, eating something. He wasn't watching TV. Or reading a book. Or on his phone.

He instantly panicked and headed for Sam's bedroom.

The door was closed and Bucky didn't hesitate to kick it open and run in, expecting the worst-

'Ever heard of knocking'

Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at photos. Not on his phone.

There was a small stack of photos on his lap and he was just gazing straight at the top one.

'Sorry I'll just... '

Bucky paused, noticing Sam's expression.

He looked sad. Not crying. Just sad.

Bucky walked over and sat beside him, leaving a good distance between them.

'Are you okay...'

His eyes fell on the stack of pictures, landing on one of the ones sticking out. He impulsively reached out, sliding it out and pulling it out.

And then it clicked.


The winter soldier raised the gun. Waiting for the order.

It came.

And he shot the man out of the air.


Bucky froze and dropped the photo. He jumped up, backing away from Sam.

'I-I can't... I-'

Sam looked at him. Concerned. And confused.

'Bucky are you okay?'
'No... I-I... Riley'

Sam frowned.

'How did you know that was his name? I haven't mentioned him before'

Bucky exhaled slowly. Trying to breathe.

This couldn't be happening again. It couldn't.

He had to be honest.

He took a step towards Sam.

'Riley. Was killed'

Sam stood up. Something clicked in his eyes.

'Bucky did yo- I mean...'
'I killed him, Sam. It was me'

Now that he had gotten the words out, everything just hung in the air. Their relationship. The sentence. Tension.

And then it changed.

Sam stepped forward and Bucky tensed as Sam lifted a hand. But it was only to gently cup his face and then pull him in for a hug.

Bucky froze, confused.

'Sam... I-'
'Shhh. I know...'

Sam sighed, shakily.

'It wasn't you, Bucky. It never was'

But Bucky still felt devastated and angry. Sam was kind! Too kind! He didn't deserve this!


Sam pulled out of the hug and pressed a finger to his lips. Buckys eyes widened as he felt tears welling in them.

'It hurts... Rileys gone'

Bucky closed his eyes, feeling Sam's hand on his face.

'And I can't promise it isn't difficult to think of your hand pulling the trigger'

He felt Sam move his finger off his lips. He instantly missed the touch, feeling guilty.

'But it wasn't you, Bucky'

Bucky nodded slowly, just listening to Sam breathing and his own heart speeding up as he realised his close he was to Sam.

'I'm s-so sorry'
'Shh...It's okay'

Sam held Bucky tight, comforting him and Bucky felt disgusting. He should have been comforting Sam! It wasn't Bucky's loss!

Bucky pulled away to see Sam's face. Sam looked slightly confused but mostly upset.

'No Sam. I'm so sorry. I should have...'

His words failed him and he bit his lip hard to stop the tears from falling. Sam just stayed at him, not making a move.

'Let me...Do something'

Sam stayed silent but then stood up, offering a hand to Bucky.

'Come on'

They left the apartment and drove a few hours to a cemetery.

Riley's grave.

And there, Bucky apologised while Sam tried not to break. They held hands.

And Sam forgave.

Thank you so much for reading ! Sorry it's so short...I hope you enjoyed anyway 😊

Stay safe :)

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