Nighttime Truth Or Dare In The Kitchen

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So this is a college kinda au where all the avengers are alive and some live together like roommates.

Omg ik the title is awful but I don't know what else to name it so... Anyway enjoy!

Sam couldn't sleep.

For whatever reason he just couldn't get comfortable and now he was hungry too. He definitely wasn't getting back to sleep now.

He headed to the kitchen.

The first thing he noticed when he got into the kitchen was the lights were on. And the fridge was open.

And there was a box of cereal on the counter.

Sam strolled over to the table and bent down to inspect the box. Lucky charms. He lifted the box slightly. Who had put it here-


A pair of blue eyes were staring straight at him.


Sam sighed in relief as Bucky laughed at his expression. He pushed the box across the table and sat opposite Sam.

'You scared me!'
'Well it's your fault for picking up my lucky charms'

Sam groaned.

'How did you even get there anyway?'
'I was behind the fridge and I saw you walk in so I just walked right in front of the box. You were too busy
'mesmerised' by the cereal. My cereal actually'

Sam shot Bucky a death glare and reached for the cereal.

'Pass me a bowl'

He poured himself a bowl of cereal, purposely taking a lot to annoy Bucky.

'You're aware its 2am right?'

Bucky nodded and spooned some cereal into his own mouth. He took the box from Sam and began reading the back.

'Yep. That's why I'm here'

Sam grabbed the box back just to spite him and put some cereal in his mouth. Ew. So sweet. How did Bucky eat this everyday?

'So you're here every night... Well morning but-'

Sam nodded, confused. He waited for Bucky to continue. Bucky was busy reading the box again.


Bucky kept eating.

'Are you not gonna elaborate?'

Sam sighed and took the box away from Bucky and pushed it out of his reach.

'Hey! I was reading that!'
'Why are you up everyday?'

Bucky groaned, putting his head in his hands. Then he snapped his head up and smiled, showing his teeth.

'Because I'm a vampire- Why do you think'

Sam rolled his eyes.

'I'm just curious'
'Well don't be. I just can't sleep s'all'

Sam raised an eyebrow and ate some more cereal. It wasn't that bad.

'You have nightmares?'

Sam did not expect for Bucky to react how he did. He stiffened and turned away from Sam, reaching for the box. But Sam pushed it away again.

'Wait really? You have nightmares!?'

Bucky shot Sam such an angry look he felt suddenly nervous.

'Yes. Now shut up or leave me alone'

Sam shut up. He watched Bucky for a few seconds before shrugging and standing up.

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