Living together

947 44 56

Based a few weeks after tfatws.



Bucky woke up, feeling relaxed and calm for the first time in years. He mentally scanned his brain realising he hadn't had a nightmare.

He had slept through the night.

He sat up and checked the time.


And he didn't have anything to do today.

Sitting in his comfortable bed, just listening to what sounded like... Sam singing quietly in the kitchen. He unconsciously smiled. He felt safe.

Bucky got out of bed and headed for the shower. He undressed and had a quick shower, wanting to see Sam.

He found himself humming along to Sam's singing. He smiled, slightly embarrassed even though no one had heard.

Sam had moved into Bucky's apartment 4 weeks ago.

They had both agreed that it would be helpful for cost of apartments, being around for missions and also...

For themselves.

Bucky had developed a dependence for Sam. He would never admit it but he wanted to be around the man all day, everyday.

He quickly dried himself and got dressed in some jeans and a t-shirt. Then headed to the kitchen.

When he entered, he instantly saw Sam with his back to Bucky. He was singing along to the radio, quietly to not bother Bucky. He smiled, watching his friend for a second before walking over to the table.


Sam spun, looking surprised. When he noticed who it was, his face broke out into a wide smile. Bucky's heart fluttered and he has to duck his head to cover the blush making its way up his cheeks.

'Good morning, Buck'

He sighed at the nickname but smiled at Sam, only just noticing the pancakes.

'Sit down'

Bucky obeyed. Sam then placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. He had a wide, proud smile on his face.

'Oh thanks!'

Sam smiled and sat at the table, a seat away from Bucky so he didn't invade his space and not opposite him so it didn't feel like a date. He watched Bucky cut a piece of pancake, urging him to eat.

Bucky took a bite.

Sam smiled, satisfied and relaxed his position, no longer staring at Bucky.

'I saw that'
'I'm just making sure you're eating'

Bucky chuckled, looking down at his plate. It was sweet how Sam cared so much.

He finished his food and then stood up, heading to the sink. Sam grabbed his arm, taking the plate and shot him a small smile.

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