Kiss a boy

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Ever since they had moved in together Sam had been watching Bucky.

It was like a puzzle and everything was beginning to add up. All the clues were there. And Sam realised they had been there since the very beginning.

It had come to a point where he wanted to confront Bucky about it. Bucky trusted him. He trusted Bucky.

So he did it.

Sam knocked and entered Bucky's room. The 106 year old seemed surprised to see him- but that was no surprise as they rarely went near each others bedrooms.

He headed over to sit beside Bucky on his bed, feeling his friends eyes on him. He sat down and fell into silence.

He didn't know how to put it.

'Uh...I need to talk to you'

Bucky frowned in confusion, tilting his head to look at Sam. Sam avoided looking him in the eye.

It wasn't really any of his business but...

'Bucky. We've know eachother a while now'

Bucky nodded, biting his lip.

'And you can tell me anything...'

Sam stared at Bucky meaningfully, who looked away.


Sam got straight to the point.

'Do you have feelings for me?'

Bucky was obviously taken aback. He froze, staring at Sam, his mouth hanging open slightly. A low flush was making its way up his face and Sam noticed the man make a slight move away from him.

'Why- Why would you think that?! I don't!'

Sam shrugged, watching his friend carefully. The simple question had had a huge effect on him.

He didn't believe Bucky.

'Bucky. You can tell me. I won't judge you. It isn't the 40s anymore. You can like men!'

Bucky was staring into space in front of him, seeming lost in thought.


The super soldier was acting defensive which proved Sam's point right even more. Sam hadn't been sure before but now he actually thought...

Maybe Bucky does like me.

How would he react if he did?

Shuffling closer to Bucky, Sam moved his hand over to gently rest on his friends arm. Bucky stiffened but let his hand stay when Sam began speaking.

'When I was 14 years old I kissed a girl. My first kiss'

He turned to Bucky, searching for some sort of recognition in his face. But no. The super soldier was staring blankly ahead.

'The kiss was...mediocre like usual...but fine. The only problem was that after I kissed her I realised...'

Bucky stayed silent. Sam looked at him, willing him to respond. He continued.

'I liked girls but something else was missing. And then I found out I liked more than just girls'

Bucky did not respond and his expression did not change. But Sam felt the change in his body. He was tense...waiting.

'So on my 17th birthday I kissed my best friend... And realised I definitely wasn't straight'

Sam looked at Bucky, not expecting to see any change in expression but to his surprise Bucky was staring straight at him. Differently.


'You don't need to label yourself of course but I was just wondering if...'

He trailed off, releasing Bucky's arm. The super soldier instantly looked down to where his hand had been, looking...


They both stayed quiet for a moment before Sam heard Bucky give a shaky sigh and begin speaking.

'I first kissed a girl when I was 12... Because even if I did like men I still couldn't act on it'

Bucky took a deep breath.

'But then I realised...I did like men and...'

He went silent, turning completely away from Sam. Even from the angle Sam had of him he could still see the embarrassed flush on his face.

'I've never kissed a boy before'

He fell silent again and covered his face, hiding the shame.


Sam reached out, turning Bucky's face to look at him, ignoring how obviously uncomfortable and embarrassed the super soldier was.

'Thank you for telling me. That was really brave of you'

Bucky nodded, keeping his head down. Sam watched his expression carefully, noticing the tension in his face.

'Did you ever want to kiss a boy?'

Bucky took a shaky breath, still keeping his eyes downwards.

'Y-Yes... But I couldn't-'

He was cut off by Sam gently kissing him. His whole body relaxed and he kissed Sam back before he seemed to realise what was happening. He froze and grabbed Sam's collar to steady himself but then pulled away, his eyes wide in shock.

'B-But we can't, Sam. We can't. It's not fai-'

Sam gently cupped his face, smiling softly and taking his hand. Bucky shook his head, pulling his hand away so hard he almost fell back.

'No no I d-dont deserve it. I'm-'

Sam pressed a finger to his lips. His eyes widened as he stared at Sam's face.

'Please let this'

He leaned in closer, causing Bucky to squeeze his eyes shut.

'Do you want me to kiss you?'

Bucky couldn't lie. He wanted it too bad. Still keeping his eyes shut, he nodded slowly.

'You never got that first kiss...'

Bucky stayed still, waiting. When Sam didn't talk again or do anything else he decided to speak.

'Sam I-'

He was cut across by Sam's lips against his own. And he was gone.

He wasn't The Winter Soldier anymore. He was James 'Bucky' Barnes and Sam Wilson wanted him.

But the kiss only lasted 2 seconds and then it was over. He opened his eyes, feeling slightly disappointed.

But Sam wasn't finished.

'Hey hey don't look so disappointed. I'm not' He pressed a kiss to Bucky's neck, causing him to let out a little squeak, 'Done'

He continued talking in between kisses, while Bucky struggled to comprehend what was happening.

'You' Kiss 'Look' kiss 'So cute'

When Bucky at last managed to focus enough to speak, Sam was already pulling away and standing up.

'No don't go. I wanted you to-'

He fell silent, blushing as Sam smirked, standing above him.

'Wanted me to what?'

And with that Sam pushed him over onto the bed pinning him down, causing the super soldiers heart to panic.

'I can do more than stay, sweetheart'

And Bucky was lost.

Thank you so much for reading! Hope it was good 😊

Stay safe :)

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