Sam's Nightmare

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The door swung open and slammed against the side of the wall. Sam tried not to cry as he crawled under the table.

His arm felt broken.

Where was everyone else?

He held his breath hearing the intruder breaking things and wrecking the house. His whole body was shaking.

'Sammm. Come out!'

Bucky's voice was dead. It couldn't be him.


The table lifted and Bucky reached for Sam.

'No please-NO!'

Bucky smiled at Sam's fear and crushed his neck, killing him instantly.

Sam woke up.

He sat up in bed and looked across the room to where Bucky's bed was. He...

Why had he dreamt this?

Bucky would never hurt him. They were friends. Sam wanted to check on his friend. It was a bad idea.

He got out of bed anyway.

He tiptoed over to Bucky's bed, feeling nervous. This was weak. He didn't need his friends help.

But he was still shaking.

He watched Bucky for a minute, trying to work up the nerve to tap him. It wasn't fair though. Bucky rarely slept well and now Sam wanted to wake him.

He turned around to go back to bed, dreading sleep.


He spun around. Bucky was sitting up in bed, watching him.

'Are you okay? Why are you up so early?'

Sam looked down at his hands, still shaking. He couldn't burden Bucky with his nightmare. He couldn't -

'Tell me'

Bucky gestured for him to come closer and when Sam didn't listen he sighed and got out of bed pulling him to sit down. He looked down at Sam's hands, noticing then shaking.

'Aw Sam'

He took Sam's hands and entwined their fingers. Sam's eyes widened slightly. Bucky was holding his hand?

'Come on. Tell me'

Sam looked at the ground and took a deep breath.

'I had a nightmare'
'Tell me about it'

Sam looked at Bucky in confusion. Why did Bucky want to hear it? He had enough of his own nightmares.

'Well... You were killing everyone and breaking things and... I hid and you found me'

Sam exhaled shakily.

'Then you killed me'

Bucky's expression was unreadable.

'I'd never hurt you, Sam'
'I know! I'm sorr-'

He was silenced when he noticed Bucky's expression. He had a small, sympathetic - yet sad - smile on his face. Their fingers were still intertwined.

'Are you going to go back to sleep?'

Sam looked down, embarrassed.

'I'm scared...'

Bucky nodded and tilted his head sideways, looking at Sam.

'Do you... Want me to stay with you?'
'What do you mean?'

Bucky looked at his feet and shrugged.

'Like... We can just go watch a movie or go to the kitchen... Or... If you are tired - Are you tired?'

Sam wanted to say no but he didn't want to lie to Bucky. He nodded, yawning already.

'Then... If you wanted I could sleep with you'

Bucky blushed and shook his head.

'I-I mean I can... Share with you... It might help...'

He trailed off and looked away. Sam was surprised by Bucky's proposition. He hadn't expected this to be a choice. But he was considering it.

He didn't care. He was too tired.

He leaned against Bucky's shoulder for a second before standing up and pulling Bucky with him. Bucky shot him a confused look but followed him to his bed.

'Wait... Really?'
'I'm tired, Bucky. I...'

He cut himself off with a yawn and leaned on Bucky's arm.

'I'm scared and I want you'

He was too tired to hide his feelings. Bucky's expression was surprised but he nodded and took Sam's hands, pulling him to the bed.

'Are you sure?'

Bucky nodded, realising Sam was serious and laid down on the bed, pulling Sam with him. Sam sighed in relief. He wouldn't have to worry about nightmares with Bucky beside him.

He didn't argue when Bucky wrapped his arms around him and held him close. He didn't argue when Bucky whispered goodnight. He didn't argue when Bucky kissed his head and fell asleep. He didn't argue.

They could talk about it in the morning.

Thank you for reading! I know I've done something almost exactly like this before but I think it's cute so...

Feel free to comment ☺

Stay safe :)

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