Dream Pt 3

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Sam and Bucky walked for 15 minutes before reaching a pizza place. Sam gestured inside, shooting Bucky a small smile.

He panicked.

'Do you want to get pizza her-'
'YEAH! I-I mean...'

Sam let out a laugh that made Bucky turn towards him. He couldn't help but keep the adoring expression that had been on his face since they had started walking. Sam was...


They headed in and ordered pizza.

'What do you want?'
'I don't need... Much'

Sam tilted his head.

'You wanna... share?'

Bucky paused at the counter, turning to Sam. The person working there smirked.

'Oh... OK!'

* * *

'So... Where do you want go sit?'

Sam turned to Bucky and a small, nervous smile appeared on his face.

'Um... I have somewhere we can go'

Bucky turned to him. Sam was obviously excited and wanted to show him.


They left the pizza place, Bucky holding the box, following Sam. They walked through dimly lit streets, past a park and eventually reached an alley with nowhere to go.

Bucky thought back to... Before. Saving Steve from bullies in alleyways.

He smiled at the memory.

Sam turned around to him. Bucky frowned in confusion.

'Where... Where are we going?'

Sam smiled slightly and gestured upwards. Upwards...


'Sam! You know I can't fly!'

Sam laughed and before Bucky could react had pulled himself up the wall.

'Wait... What?'
'Come on'

Bucky handed him up the pizza box and easily jumped up to him.

'Where are we goin-'

Sam covered his mouth and then Bucky noticed.

On the other side of the dark alleys wall was a lit up alleyway. A street market.

Bright neon lights lit the street and Bucky's mouth dropped open in surprise.

'Wha- what is this?'

Sam turned to him, swinging his legs over the wall so they sat side by side. He smiled softly at Bucky's awestruck expression. He slowly pushed the pizza box towards Bucky, nudging him.

'It's ... A little place I go sometimes. Its nice'

Bucky nodded, his eyes still trained on the street down below. Suddenly he felt a hand grab his and he glanced down to see Sam pushing a piece of pizza into his hand.

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