Unnecessary Competitions

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'Pl-Please stop'
'I ain't stopping'

Sam threw his head back and groaned.

'I'm gonna win'
'I hate you'

He looked up just in time to see Bucky come first in mario kart and for his character to crash into another wall.


Bucky elbowed him in the ribs, grinning.

'It's okay. You'll get used to losing soon'

He shot Sam a mischievous smile and tilted his head. Sam sighed in annoyance and looked away.

'I'm good at other things'
'Hm... And what's that?'

Sam reached out, jabbing Bucky in the ribs. He doubled up and laughed.

'What? Touching me?'
'What the actual fu-'

The door swung open.


'Hey fellas whatchu up to'

Sam and Bucky exchanged a look.

'I gotta go'
'Same. Bye Scott'

They both rushed out the door.

Scott sat down at the couch and picked up a controller.

'Aw c'mon'

* * *

Bucky woke up for the 5th day in a row, ready to start a competition with Sam. He was ready to test his friends limits. He jumped out of bed and snuck down the hall towards Sam's room.

He kicked the door open and screamed as loud as he could.


Sam sat up in shock and looked at him, his eyes wide. He was furious.



Bucky bounced into the room and over to Sam's bed. Sam sighed and lay down flat on his back.

'Gettt out'
'It's competition time!'

Sam looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

'What? Again?!'
'Mario kart. You. Me. Now'

Sam sat up and got out of bed.

'Get out. I'm getting changed'

But Bucky was still talking.

'I am gonna prove once and for all that I am better than you, Wilson'
'Yeah yeah, you've said this everyday for like a week... And why are you still standing there. Do you want to watch me getting changed?'

Bucky froze, a dull flush creeping up his cheeks. He began backing out of the room.

'No no no! I'm good'
'Okay then leave'

Bucky disappeared.

Then popped his head back in just as Sam was closing the door.

'Sitting room. In half an hour. Be ready'

Sam laughed, shaking his head and slammed the door. What the hell.

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