The Wasp

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Bucky heard Sam swear from across the house. He headed for the kitchen where he was 'making breakfast'.

When he got there Sam was sitting on a chair hissing in pain, pressing ice to his arm.

'Sam. What happened?'

Sam looked up and brought a finger up to his lips.

'Sh! He'll hear'

Bucky frowned and tiptoed over to Sam. He looked at Sam's arm that he was holding in pain. There was a small prick that looked a lot like a wasp sting-

Bucky spun, looking for the attacker.

'Where is he?'

Sam looked confused.

'Where's the wasp?'

Sam sighed and pointed over to the window. Bucky looked over to see a wasp sitting on the window sill. Bucky picked up a frying pan.

'What are you-NO NO BUCKY!'

It was too late. Bucky swung at the wasp causing it to lift off and fly towards him. Bucky panicked and tried to bat it away but it avoided his swing.

'Got... To kill... It.... It. Hurt. You!'

He punctuated every word with a swing. Sam sighed and ducked as he almost hit him.

'Bucky you almost...' He ducked again. 'Hit me!'

Bucky suddenly froze. The wasp hovered directly in front of him. They were facing each other. Mexican standoff.

Oh no.

Bucky slowly raised the frying pan as the wasp slowly headed towards him.


He swung the frying pan, missed the wasp, hit the lamp and caused Sam to duck again, cursing.

'Ah damn it'

At last Bucky swung around to Sam. He froze. Put the frying pan down and took Sam's hand in his.

'Are you ok?'

Sam groaned and face palmed.

'It's just a little sting!'

Bucky's expression switched to a determined one again. He slowly stood up and turned around, looking for the wasp.

'Bucky... Leave it'
'No. I shall avenge you'

Sam facepalmed and left the room. There was nothing he could do about his protective boyfriend.

He sat down on the couch, still holding ice to his arm. Just watching a movie. He could hear breaking of glass from the kitchen.



And now Bucky was screaming. Sam sighed and stood up, walking out to the kitchen.

'Buck, what happened?'

Bucky was sitting on the ground, crying, clutching his flesh hand. He pointed shakily towards the table.

'H-He stung me!'

Sam face palmed and brought his boyfriend in to watch TV. They could deal with the wasp later.

Bucky turned to the table as they left and narrowed his eyes.

'I'll get you' He hissed at the wasp.

Hey! Thank you for reading ☺

Stay safe :)

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