Actually Good Advice

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Bucky raised his head, avoiding his therapists eye.

'I know you don't want to talk... But I just want one answer'

She tilted her head, waiting for a reply. He nodded to show he had heard.

'Have the nightmares been bad lately?'

Bucky found himself nodding. He was to tired to lie.

He hadn't been sleeping at night. He was afraid. There was nothing he could do about it.

Nothing seemed to help.

'Thank you for today. You can leave'

Bucky raised his head, surprised. No prying questions? No sighing and shaking her head? No advice?

Something was up.

But he was too tired to think it through.

He stood, half smiled at her and left the room. Already dreading the night.


'Sam. You and James are close?'
'Not... Very close but... Yeah I guess we are'


'I have a favour I need to ask you. I know it's probably a bad idea but-'
'It's okay doc. I'd do whatever you like if it would help Bucky'

He could hear the smile in her voice as she continued.

'His nightmares have been getting worse so-'


It was getting late. And Bucky was dreading the night.

He was exhausted. He could barely keep his eyes open any longer but he was too terrified to sleep. The nightmares were waiting for him.


Bucky jumped and looked towards the door to his apartment. Why would someone be knocking so late? Or early.

He stood up and headed to the door, glad for the distraction. As he opened it he realised he'd forgotten to lock it when he had first came in, proving how tired he was. He never forgot.

The door swung open.

Sam freakin' Wilson.

Bucky was too tired to hide his confusion. His mouth fell open and before he could react, Sam had pushed past him, closed and locked the door and was directing him towards his room.

'W-where are we going?'
'Shhh for a sec, Buck'

Bucky didn't even protest when Sam pushed him towards his bed. He just sat down beside the exhausted super soldier and didn't even flinch when Bucky sleepily leaned on his shoulder, unable to resist.

Sam began speaking in a low voice, barely audible. It was so soothing that Bucky almost passed out just listening to him speak.

'Your shrink called me and told me how tired you were today and about your nightmares'

Bucky didn't even complain, hearing that Sam and his therapist had been talking about him. He didn't have the energy.

'She told me you had been struggling with nightmares and she asked me something'

Sam paused.

'Now I'm gonna check with you and this doesn't have to happen anytim- ever. But I think it would help'

Bucky sat up straighter to look at Sam. He frowned.

'Your therapist suggested you sleep with someone near you... Or with you to help. And she... Thought of me'


As the words sank in, Bucky surprisingly didn't hate the idea. In fact he...

Liked it.

And he was too tired to keep up the act of being okay.

The words were out before he even realised.

'Please I'm tired'

Sam looked at him. Surprised and confused.

'Wait what'
'Sam I'm tired'

Bucky didn't bother hiding the whiny, childlike quality to his voice. He was too tired.

And now that the idea had really set in, he wanted it more than ever.

'I want you to stay'
'Oh... Okay'

Sam stood up and led Bucky to the bed, gently pushing him. Bucky didn't hesitate to get in and grab Sam's hand to make sure he wouldn't leave.

He didn't feel so scared anymore.

Sam took a second before getting in beside Bucky and lying down. Bucky instantly attached himself to Sam and closed his eyes. He didn't have the energy to pretend he didn't want this.

Sam took in a sharp intake of breath when Bucky wrapped an arm around his waist. But then he relaxed, putting an arm around his... Friend.

'Night Bucky'
'Sam.. Goodnigh-'

He fell asleep before he could finish the sentence.

Sam smiled fondly and closed his eyes, cuddled against the 106 year old ex assassin.

He was already feeling a bit closer to the man lying in his arms.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed-


Stay safe :)

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