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Steve had told them it was healthy. A fun, team building activity. Breathing in the mountain air would do them good.

He'd said.

Nat had quickly realised how bad the idea was and had 'volunteered' to stay in the car. No one knew why...

Until they began walking.

Peter was complaining and dragging his feet while Wanda and Vision pointed out all the pretty flowers. Bruce stayed quiet, lost in his own thoughts. Tony pulled out a flask of...something and began to drink, offering Clint some. Thor was in his element.

Steve kept everyone marching on.

Eventually they reached a crossroads on the way back down from the mountain. One path was the obvious choice. Bright, happy, easy. The other was dark, rough and blocked by trees in parts.

'Steve. Can we just turn back?'

Steve pulled out a map to compare the two routes. He flipped it right way up.

'No Sam. That's actually longer'

Wanda jumped up from the tree trunk she was sitting on.

'Which is the shorter route?'

Steve squinted at the map. Bucky walked over to help. One route was definitely shorter...

'This one is shorter'

Steve pointed to the left, dark route, followed by groans.

'I'm not going that way'
'Its creepy'

Sam was already heading down the trail.

'Sam wait!'
'I want to leave. I'll go this way. Anyone wanna come?'

The avengers fell into silence, looking down and shuffling their feet.

Except Bucky.

Bucky didn't want to walk for ages. He was already tired and bored.

He raised his hand.

'I'll come'

Sam raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips.

'Okay then. We'll meet you all there'

He walked off. The other avengers turned to the other path.

'See ya in a bit, Buck'
'Bye Steve'

He jogged off, to catch his (attractive) irritating friend. Sam didn't bother waiting as he knew Bucky would easily catch up.

'So...you wanted to come with me'
'Not with you. I just wanted to get back quicker'
'Yeah yeah'

Sam shot him a smile to show him that he was joking but Bucky still felt nervous. Sam was...


They walked in silence for a few minutes, just listening to the birds and wind. It was boring.

Until they came to a clearing of trees.

'Wait look at that!'

Bucky turned to where Sam was pointing. There were 3 routes to choose from. One which had a sign heading for the carpark, one for the way back up the mountain and one without a sign that pointed through the trees.

'Lets go this way!'
'Wait no-'

Sam grabbed Bucky's arm, pulling him in the direction of the trees. Bucky didn't bother argue. He would do what Sam wanted either way.

They pushed through the dark cover of trees and as they walked further, the light got brighter and the sound of running water became clear. Bucky barely noticed that Sam was still holding his hand.

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