The Drive Home

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Bucky nervously fidgeted with his hands. He was waiting for Sam at the airport. Sam had been away on some...Training thing for 3 weeks and Bucky had missed him.

He would never admit it though.

The journey to the airport had been long and tiring. 2 hours. But Sam had needed a lift so when given the chance he had offered to pick him up.

Like he'd said. He had missed him.

Suddenly Bucky saw him. Standing a little way away, holding his luggage and looking around. Looking... As perfect as always. When his eyes fell on Bucky his whole face lit up, causing Bucky's heart to stop.


Before he could even think he found himself running towards him and Sam did the same to him. Sam. Sam was here!

When he reached him, he almost ran straight into him. They both stopped and awkwardly smiled, looking down. Bucky was lost for words. He was too busy admiring his friend who he had missed so much.


Bucky took Sam's bag as something to do but Sam held on to it which with Bucky's strength ended up pulling him right against the super soldier. They both froze and dropped the bag at the same time, embarrassed.

'Sorry! Let me carry it!'

Sam let Bucky as he didn't want to risk another collision.

'Lets go. My cars just outside'

They both headed for the car. It wasn't far so they were there quickly. Bucky put Sam's bag in the back as Sam got into the passeneger seat. Bucky got in and began driving.

'Thank you so much for picking me up, man. Its so late-'

It was 12 at night.

'-And its such a long drive home!'

2 hours.

Bucky would do anything for Sam. But he couldn't say that. That was weird.

'It's fine'

They both sat in silence. Bucky had been looking forward to this day for... since Sam left but now he didnt know what to say.

He turned the radio on.

Some generic pop song began playing and it began raining. Bucky needed to fill the silence but he didnt know what to sa-

'I got you a present actually'

Bucky did a double take and almost crashed the car. Sam swore and Bucky blushed.


'Oh...Thank you?'

Sound grateful.

'Thank you!'

Sam shot him a strange look and leaned down to pick up something. It was a box. A small box.

Bucky's brain jumped to an engagment ring but then shook it off. What the hell. They werent even dating.

Bucky tried to keep his eyes on the road but he felt himself glancing over to Sam again. He had got him a present! He felt like a little kid on their birthday. Sam had got him a present. A present!

'So...Uh...look for a sec'

Bucky looked away from the road for a second to look. It was a small black box. Sam opened it and pulled out a...


It was silver and had a small star on it.

Bucky wanted to see it properly. Thankfully they had just reached a red light. Sam held it out to Bucky and he took it.

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