Adopting Alpine

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Thank you so much GaiaHotti4 for the suggestion! Ilysm 🥺❤️

Sam sat on Bucky's couch watching TV. Every once in a while he would glance over to the 106 year old super soldier to (as he told himself) make sure he was okay.

In reality he just liked checking him out.

After a while he noticed Bucky was glancing at him just as much as he was glancing at him. It came to a point where he knew he had to say something.

'Bucky. Why are you staring at me?'

Bucky blushed and looked at the floor.

'You were too, you know'

Sam shook his head, trying not to laugh.

'That's beside the point. Did you want to say something? I keep seeing you open your mouth about to say something but then you seem to change your mind and close it. What's wrong?'

Bucky looked at Sam and bit his lip, nervously. His blue eyes seemed far away and when he met Sam's time seemed to slow down.

Then he blinked and the effect was over.

Whats wrong with me.

'My therapist' He spat the word out like it tasted bad, 'Says I need a pet... A cat for my anxiety'

Sam smirked slightly, imaging Bucky owning a pet. Playing with his cat, feeding his cat, cuddled up on the couch with his cat and Sa-

Okay that's enough.

'Okay and?'

Bucky rubbed his neck, looking nervous and half turned his head to look at Sam, pleadingly.

'Will you come with me? To get the cat'

Sam was taken aback. Bucky wanted him to come to a pet store and get a cat with him?

Hell yes.

'Wait wha-'
'I mean, should be fun!'

He smiled at Bucky, expecting to see him scowling in annoyance but instead the 106 super soldier was wearing a wide, happy smile.

It made Sam's heart jump with happiness.

'Okay... Do you want to go now?'

So Sam stood up, abandoning the TV and they headed down to his car.

Time to get a cat.


When they arrived at the pet store, Bucky instantly headed to the front desk to talk to the person working there. He seemed to have a note from his therapist about what breed and other details.

The worker accepted it and headed to the back to get the cat.

Leaving the two in silence.

'Thanks for coming'
'S'all good'

Bucky paced up and down the shop, his eyes on the floor. Sam wanted to speak but he didn't want to annoy Bucky.

'Bucky. Are you okay?'
'Yeah... I mean-'

He paused and looked at Sam, frowning slightly.

'Actually no. I'm not'

Sam was surprised. He had not expected Bucky to be honest so quickly. But here he was...

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