Accidently alligned

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I'm baaaack! Missed me?

Highschool AU

Bucky hated sports.


Despite having the physique of an athlete, strong, lean and fast...he still hated them. Hated the wind blowing his hair into his mouth. Hated the feeling of cold air rushing through his bones. The shouts and abuse of his classmates after he purposely slammed the ball into the side of the goalpost, rather than the net and stormed off. And he especially hated...


Golden Samuel Wilson.

Team captain. Golden boy. Athletic, popular, smart, clear skin, strong arms, kind, talented, good singer, good swimmer, hot, obviously straight, beautiful, too good to be tru-


Bucky hated Sam. And everything to do with him.


Bucky spent his lunch hiding out under the bleachers. It wasn't like he had a reason to hide -he wasn't being bullied and he wasn't avoiding any teachers- but he just liked the peace and quiet and atmosphere and temperature and sounds of the jocks playing football on the field and the perfect view of Sam Wilson's gorgeous, content face-

Bucky took a bite of his peanut butter sandwich, sinking his teeth into the soft, slightly sticky bread. His mouth clogged with bread and his hands full with books was enough to distract his mind from the sight across the field from him.

As always the football team were having some sort of ...contest? Bucky was no expert on these sort of things. He knew they were doing pushups and pull-ups and sit-ups and other crap but he didn't understand the point.

Was it to prove something to themselves? To the girls (and boy) watching? To show how strong and masculine they were? To be 'better' than everyone else?!

Bucky hated Samuel Wilson.

He hated him with all his heart.


'Bucky did you get the math homework done for next period?'

It was lunch again and Bucky was on his way to his usual spot to ogl- spy o- look a-

Eat his lunch.

He had been having a good day so far and he was looking forward to his pbj and the peace and quiet away from his classmates. But he was only 4 steps out of the classroom when Natasha started speaking.

'Hey Bucky! Wait up!'

Bucky didn't stop but slowed his pace slightly to allow the redhead to catch up. She smiled at him and fell in step.

'Yeah what's up'
'I was just wondering if you had the maths homework done?'

Bucky suddenly wished he wasn't such a teacher's pet.

'Yeah yeah I'm done it...'

Nat beamed.

'Could you help me now? Just for 10 minutes?'

Bucky sighed, ready to protest and make up some excuse about a club, a friend he didn't have or an appointment that didn't exist.

Until she shot him the puppy eyes.

Bucky sighed heavily, erasing the negative thoughts.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2022 ⏰

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