'I'm Cold'

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Sam and Bucky both sat on the couch, wrapped up in separate blankets watching Star wars.

It was a cold day. Colder than any day of the year. The heating had broken hours ago so Sam and Bucky were just trying to distract themselves from the cold seeping into their bones.

At last the movie finished, neither of them moving from under the blankets. Snow falling outside the window.

At last Sam spoke.

'Bucky. I'm not getting the controller. It's too cold'
'It's fine. I'm just gonna go to bed'

Bucky stood up, wrapping his blanket tightly around himself. He shivered and headed for his room.

'It's so cold... Can you try and fix the heating?'
'No. I'm cold too. If you really care so much, why don't you?'

Bucky yawned exaggeratingly and pointed to his room.

'I'm... Too... Tired'
'Shut up'
'Goodnight Sam'
'... Night'

Sam watched Bucky leave and felt jealous that he was going to his warm bed. It made him feel even colder.

I'll go to bed as well.

He left the sitting room, turning the lights off and headed to his bedroom which to his surprise was significantly colder than the sitting room. He pulled his covers up and got into bed, tucking his legs up and wrapping his blanket tight around himself. His teeth were already chattering.

He closed his eyes and tried to fall sleep. It was so cold. Too cold.

He was gonna freeze at this point. It felt like he was sitting in a fridge.

He closed his eyes, willing himself to fall asleep.

* * *

Sam did not fall asleep. It was just too cold. No amount of blankets were helping. He lay in the dark, feeling exhausted but too cold to fall asleep.

Suddenly he heard his door open and quickly sat up to see Bucky walking into the room, holding his covers around himself. Sam frowned in confusion.

'What do you want?'

Bucky looked surprised to see Sam awake. He opened his mouth, looking nervous and closed it again. Sam could see his teeth chattering.

'I... I'm cold'

Bucky took a step towards Sam and then stopped. He looked like he wanted to ask him a question.

'I wanted to ask you... Did you want to...'

Then it clicked. Sam knew what he wanted. But Bucky wasn't going to ask. He turned to leave but Sam called him back.


Bucky turned around. Sam paused.


Bucky's eyes widened and Sam pulled the covers back, instantly being hit with a wave of cold.

'It's cold. If we share a bed it'll be warm'
'Come on Bucky. I don't feel like getting frostbite'

Bucky nodded, not needing much persuasion. He walked over to Sam and sat beside where he was lying. He sat there for a second, shivering and wrapped up in his blanket.

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