It Started With A Glass Of Water

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The Avengers were having a pool party. It was the hottest day of the year and Bucky wasn't drinking the alcohol on hand.

He poured a glass of water for himself. The perfect temperature. He was thirsty.

Suddenly fingers closed over his hand briefly to pull the glass out of his hand. He turned to look at the thief.

Sam Wilson raised the glass to his mouth and drank his glass of water down, keeping eye contact the whole time. Bucky just stared at him, noticing the small smirk playing on Sam's lips.

Bucky sighed. There was no point arguing with him. He headed to the the cupboard to get another glass but before he could reach it, Sam had shoved the stolen glass back into his hand. Bucky shook his head.

'No. You drank out of it. I'll get a new one'

Sam raised an eyebrow, smirking.

'I don't have germs'
'No but- never mind'

He turned away again and headed to the cupboard. But his arm was grabbed and he was spun to face Sam who was now holding the glass now full of water.


He handed it to Bucky, watching him carefully. He stared Bucky down.

'Go on. You're thirsty, aren't you?'

Bucky swallowed nervously as Sam stared at him, feeling himself blushing. What was wrong with him?

Sam just stared at him. Challenging him. He didn't think Bucky was going to do it.

He'd prove Sam wrong.

He stepped closer to Sam.

'I won't only get your germs, I'll steal them'

Sam frowned, suddenly confused.

'The fu-'

Bucky grabbed his face, pulling him in for a kiss. Yes he had Sam's germs now.

He pulled away but he was grabbed again and pulled back in. Huh.

So Sam was trying to one up him? Well he'd win!

He grabbed Sam, slamming him against the table so he was pushed back against it. Still kissing.

Sam tried to say something but was muffled by Bucky's mouth on his.

Barely aware he was doing anything, Bucky moved his hand to Sam's waist causing the man to grab Bucky's collar pulling him closer.

It's definitely not a competition is it.

It was something else.

Then the door flew open.

'Mr Barnes? Mr Wilson!'

The pair slowly pulled away from each other, their eyes equally  unfocused and confused.

Then Bucky blinked, bringing him down to reality.

He had pushed Sam over the table so he was leaning against it. His hands so far up Sams shirt that-

He blushed, pulling away from Sam and looking at the door.

Thankfully it was only vision.

'Uh...Mr Barnes why were yo-'

Bucky raised a finger.

'Don't... Don't tell... Steve'
'Or anyone else' Sam added.

Vision nodded and left, barely fazed.

The minute the door closed, Sam and Bucky looked at each other. Both unbearably embarrassed.

'It...It was an accident'

They both left the kitchen, vowing it would never happen again.

But it didn't stop Sam from going to Bucky's room that night.

Honestly I have no idea where I got this idea from but... Anyway 😂

It was short but I hope you enjoyed ☺


Stay safe :)

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