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'Sweetie, doll, baby'

Sam couldn't think straight. He was so used to the stoic, serious Bucky in public. The minute the door of their apartment was closed, he changed.

It was impossible to comprehend.

Bucky's smile was new too.

It was teasing, yet sweet and it was constantly on his face when they were alone together. Sam wasn't used to this. It knocked him off guard.

'Sammy' Bucky sang from the kitchen, 'Do you want something?'

Sam was nervous around this Bucky.

Maybe this was what Steve had meant when he said Bucky was good with the ladies back in the day.

But Sam was so used to him being serious that this didn't even seem like Bucky.


Bucky stuck his head into the room where Sam was sitting on the bed, on his phone, not seeing anything on it because his mind was too occupied trying to comprehend this version of Bucky. He walked in and stood in front of Sam, a sweet smile on his face.

This all felt so strange.

'Do you want something to eat, doll?'

Sam shook his head, unable to look away from Bucky's perfect, smiling face. Before he could even think of something to do, Bucky was grabbing his hands and pulling him up so they were face to face. Sam's stomach jumped with nerves as Bucky studied his face, smiling almost too sweetly.

'Sammy' Bucky sang, smiling at Sam's sudden nerves as he pulled him closer, 'Baby'

Sam closed his eyes, his heart racing. He hadn't expected this when he had started dating Bucky. It didn't match up with Bucky's personality.

But Sam loved the affection.

Bucky was now lightly tracing a hand down Sam's face, smiling at Sam's expression. Sam closed his eyes again and bit his lip hard so he didn't laugh. It tickled.

'Do you want something, doll?'

Sam stayed silent, trying to stop himself from tackling Bucky and kissing him.

'I just want to mind you'

He felt a hand pull at his collar and he opened his eyes. Bucky smiled and grabbed his shoulders, turning him towards the kitchen.

'Come on, baby. Let's get you some food'
'But Bucky... I-I'm not hungry'

Bucky noticed his stutter and shot him a sweet smile.

I'm only stuttering from the cold. Obviously.

He was lying to himself. Bucky's affection was throwing him off.

When they reached the kitchen, Bucky pushed Sam into a chair and winked at him, turning back to... Whatever he was cooking. Sam's heart was racing.

It was like he didn't even know Bucky.

He closed his eyes, trying to sort out his thoughts.

I love this but its so different from what he's like with others.

Yeah Sam was confused.

He took a second to just breathe before he would be assaulted with some more pet names.

Even though he wasn't exactly complaining.

Suddenly he felt a hand touch his face and there was a voice whispering in his ear.

'Do you want to watch a movie, doll?'

Sam could feel Bucky's breath on his face and neck and it was almost impossible to not open his eyes and kiss Bucky. But he forced himself to relax and just listen.

'I... I don't mind'

'Or do you want to...' He felt a hand trail down his face, 'Do something else?'

Sam squeezed his eyes shut, his heart hammering in his chest. He could tell Bucky was smiling.

'Bucky. Y-Yes'
'What do you want to do?'

He wanted to open his eyes. He wanted to open his eyes and tackle his boyfriend with kisses.

He opened his eyes.

Bucky's bright, blue eyes were centimetres from his face. His lips brushing off Sam's.

'Yes doll?'

Sam tried to remember what he was trying to say. He was too distracted.

'I-I... I want to-'

The door bell rang.

Bucky straightened up and looked towards the hall.

'One sec, baby'

He left.

Sam's heart was pounding and he felt light headed. He shook his head and stood up to follow Bucky.

He leaned on the edge of the doorway of the hallway, watching Bucky talk to the person at the door.

His whole body language and expression had changed.

His arms were crossed and he had a bored expression on his face. Sam found himself sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around Bucky's waist to see how he'd react.

Bucky stiffened and turned his head to look at Sam. He was blushing. Now Sam had caught him off guard.

The person at the door was staring at them in confusion. It was just a person with flyers.


Bucky seemed unable to talk.

'We are fine, thank you'

Sam pushed the door closed with his foot and pulled Bucky back to the kitchen.

'You're so cute when you blush'

Of course this made Bucky blush more.

'S-Sam... What are you doing-'
'Lets go watch a movie'

He pulled Bucky onto their couch and kissed him on the temple.

He had his own ways of affection too.

I hope you enjoyed the cuteness of these two! ☺

Feel free to comment feedbacks and suggestions!

Stay safe :)

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