Valentines Day

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*Knock knock*

'Just a second!'

Sam rushed to clean up his kitchen. If he was having guests he didn't want them to judge his mess.

It was Valentines day.

*Knock knock*


Sam ran to the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He had an idea who it was. He pulled the door open.

'Uh... Hi!'


Bucky holding a bouquet of rose and a bottle of champagne. Sam's mouth dropped open as Bucky smiled nervously. He took Bucky's arm and dragged him in.

'I-I'm... I didn't expect this... I didn't get you anything!'

Bucky shrugged and placed the gifts onto the kitchen table.

'It's fine. I don't need anything'

Sam and Bucky had been dating for a month. Sam had thought he was the one to make big, romantic gestures but he had forgotten about valentines day while Bucky had come baring gifts.

'No. I'm sorry, Bucky. I should have remembered'

Bucky got 2 glasses and popped the champagne open, succeeding in not spilling it or making a lot of noise. He poured 2 glasses.

'Sam. It's not like it's a national holiday'
'Um... Isn't it?'

Bucky shrugged, handing Sam his glass.

'I don't know'

He took a sip and his eyes widened.

'This is nice! Try!'

Sam half smiled, taking a sip. It was nice.

But he still felt bad about not getting him anything.

'But Bucky I should have got you somethin-'

Bucky groaned and pushed Sam into a seat.

'Please shut up. It doesn't matter. I'm just happy to be with you'



'OMIGOD shut up. Please. Or I'll make you'

Sam raised an eyebrow.

'Make you?'

Bucky smirked but turned around away from Sam to the oven.

'Not now, Sam. I'm hungry'

Sam laughed and stood up, wrapping his arms around Buckys waist. Bucky squeaked and turned around to look at Sam.

'You want pizza?'

Bucky looked him up and down, a small smile pulling at the edge of his lips. He was silent for a minute before tilting his head and mumbling, 'Sure'.

Sam released him and headed for the phone. Pizza it was.

He still felt guilty about not getting Bucky something. 

But he would make it up to him later.


'This is good pizza'


They both stared at each other a little too long smiling. Sam knew he had a constant state of adoration on his face.

But Bucky did too.

Sam reached a hand out to Bucky, pulling him out of his seat and into the centre of the kitchen. Bucky shot him a confused look but let Sam lead his hand to his waist and he took the other in his other hand.

'Lets dance!'

Bucky laughed and began swaying Sam back and forth. But there was no music.

'You know it's kind of hard imagining music to dance to-'
'Sh sh sh baby. I have music'

Sam began singing. Beautifully but it was still hard not to laugh as the whole situation was absolutely ridiculous.

'Put your head on my shoulder-'

Bucky pulled away, suddenly serious. Sam went silent.


He felt suddenly scared. Was Bucky breaking up with him? He felt tears building up but instead of breaking up with him, Bucky gently took his hands and smiled. His beautiful smile.

'Um...So. My apartment is too big so-'
'Your moving!?'

If Bucky was moving Sam wouldn't see him again. No no no.

He didn't want to cry

'No! I...'

Bucky paused and shyly ducked his head.

'Will you move in with me?'

Sam froze.

Waking up with Bucky. Cooking with Bucky. Decorating with Bucky. Going to sleep with Bucky. Stopping his nightmares. Kissing him goodnight.

He threw himself at Bucky, almost knocking him over in his excitement.


Bucky nervous smile dropped and formed into a huge one.


Bucky kissed Sam hard, picking him up and spinning him around the kitchen. They both giggled and when they stopped began breathlessly planning.

It was happening.

Sam and Bucky were moving in together.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed!


Stay safe :)

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