Drunk Call

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'Bucky. I neeeeed you'

Bucky listened for a few seconds before ending the call with a simple 'Night Sam'.

Sam was obviously drunk. There was no other way he would have called Bucky, asking him to come over, begging him to come over and then going on a 15 minute rant on why Bucky was the most perfect person ever. And Bucky had just listened to the whole thing, selfishly just because it made him feel special.

Like Sam actually wanted him.

And now Bucky wanted to go over. But no. Sam was drunk. He couldn't.

It was wrong.

So he forced himself to go to sleep and forget.

But his phone kept ringing, Sam's name popping up each time.

Bucky let himself worry. Worry about Sam and pretend that he was in danger. That's why he was ringing. Of course it was.

He was just letting himself get all worked up and panicked which then led to him leaving his apartment to 'check up on Sam'. It was wrong. It was sad.

But he wanted to see Sam.


Bucky knocked on the door, silently praying Sam wasn't actually drunk but knowing he was. The door swung open, hitting Bucky in the face. He swore, raising his hand up to check for blood.


Sam grabbed Bucky's hand and pulled him in, locking the door behind him.

He was trapped.

Before he could even react, he was being dragged to the couch, pushed down and then literally pinned there. Sam was staring into his soul and Bucky felt highly uncomfortable.


Sam pulled him in, kissing him hard. Bucky almost passed out from shock but had enough sense to pull away before Sam tried anything else.

'Sam. Stop it. You're drunk'

Sam groaned and grabbed Bucky's hands.

'Please. Please Bucky! PLEA-'

Bucky slapped a hand across Sam's mouth, causing his friend to smirk. He moved his hand up, cupping Bucky's face. Bucky pushed his hand away, releasing Sam's mouth.

'Bucky please. I just want to... I want you!'
'Stop it Sam. You're drunk. Just go to bed'

Sam raised an eyebrow.

'With you?'

Bucky stood up, pulling Sam's arms off him. He headed towards the door.

'I've had enough of this. Go to sleep. I'm leaving'

Sam instantly looked apologetic and jumped up, almost falling over.

'No no I'm sorry. Please don't leave!'

Bucky looked away. He wanted to stay but Sam was drunk and would just keep making moves on him so...

It was wrong.

'Sam. Why are you drunk?'

Sam closed his eyes but Bucky saw the tears. He instantly folded, stepping towards his friend to comfort him.

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