Dream Pt 2

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Bucky got out of his car and headed into the facility, feeling uncharacteristically nervous.

Sam was behind the next few doors. 

After the dream Bucky was struggling to get Sam off his mind. He kept replaying it through his mind. Was it a sign? A deep, inner thought that was meant to prompt him to do something?

Bucky shook his head, laughing at himself. Of course not. That was ridiculous.

But when he walked inside the building and laid eyes on Sam it didn't feel so ridiculous.

He couldn't help but watch him as he walked across the room, his back to Bucky. Why did this have to happen to him?

Now what?

Suddenly Sam turned around and smiled when he noticed Bucky. Bucky's heart jumped with nerves as Sam headed towards him.

'Bucky! Hey man! Sorry for the early call'

Bucky tensed up as Sam neared him and Sam noticed. He narrowed his eyes in confusion and looked Bucky up and down causing him to panic.

'You ok?'

Sam nodded, smiling awkwardly and gestured for him to follow and led him over to a table.

'We have to sort this out. Rhodey said,' Sam rolled his eyes, 'Its boring paperwork but if we work together we'll be done in no time!'

He smiled at Bucky and picked up the pile of paper.

'Come on. Lets work in here!'

Alone. In a room.


He picked up a pile of paper and followed his friend to the room.

Stay calm, Bucky.

Everything would be fine.


'Bucky. Wheres the stapler?'

They had been working for 3 hours. Straight.

Sam was sitting on a table and Bucky...Bucky was panicking.


'Sorry sorry. Here'

He handed Sam the stapler, their hands briefly touching as Sam took it.Bucky blushed and put his head down. Sam noticed.

As usual.

He jumped off the table and paced towards Bucky. Bucky's heart almost stopped as Sam stood right in front of him, looking down at him sitting in his chair. He self consciously adjusted his position.

'Are you ok?'

Bucky swallowed nervously and nodded. Sam tilted his head sideways and leaned towards him.

Bucky froze.

'Are you sure?'

Sam raised an eyebrow, smirking. 

Bucky nodded, slowly and Sam straightened up.


He thought back to the dream.

Please no. Not now.

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