Laser Tag (High-school AU)

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Sorry guys I had to. This is based off the prompt above.

Enjoy ❤️

Sam stumbled into a wall for the 5th time in the last 3 minutes. It was so dark, the only light coming from his gun, the neon lights and the jacket he wore that would count how many hits against him.

The voices of his friends had faded away from earlier. All he could hear now was his own breathing, footsteps and the once in a while screech that sounded like it was mostly coming from Steve.

I wonder who's winning. It sounds like no one has got into much of a confrontation.

Suddenly Sam heard footsteps coming from around the corner. He slowed down and raised his gun, ready to shoot. Their steps slowed and quietened until they were almost gone. They must have stopped. He felt the irrational urge to call out to the person.

He turned the corner. No one was there.

Weird. I must have imagined it.

Suddenly Sam heard a sound from behind him. He spun to see-


'Oh its just you'

He lowered his gun while Bucky smirked and leaned against the wall.

'You hit anyone yet?'
'No, you?'

They both fell into silence, conscious of the nearby screams and laughter.

'I guess they found each other'
'I guess so'

Neither made a move to join the fight.

Bucky's expression changed. A slow smile was creeping up his face.
Suddenly he straightened up and took a step towards Sam. Sam tilted his head in confusion and before he could react Bucky had grabbed his gun and thrown it behind him.

'Whoa what... You're betraying me?'

Bucky slowly advanced towards Sam, backing him into a corner. Sam raised his hands in surrender.

'Aw come on. Can I at least have my gun so I have a chance?'

Bucky ignored his request and grabbed Sam with his right hand, slamming him against the wall.

'OW! What the hell, man?!'

Sam tried to push Bucky but stopped when he noticed what he was doing. He was studying his face, his eyes drifting down to his mouth. A small smirk played on his lips.

Sam felt his pulse speed up as Bucky leaned in. He forgot where he was as Bucky placed his hands either side of his face so he was trapped. The neon lights reflected off his face, tingeing his skin a pale pink.

Sam gasped as Bucky leaned in closer. Bucky smirked at his expression and closed the distance between them.

Sam let Bucky kiss him, his head spinning. From the lights, the exhilaration from the arena and of course the kiss.

They kissed for a few seconds-minutes before Sam really realised what was happening.

I'm kissing Bucky Barnes.

He almost pulled away from the pure realization of his statement. He couldn't believe this.

But he wanted it.

Bucky pulled his right hand away from beside Sam's face, still keeping him against the wall. Sam could feel his left hand raise slightly. Suddenly there was a cold, metal object pressed against his chest.

Sam pulled away and looked down to his chest. The gun.

Oh no.

Bucky pressed the button and Sam heard a small beep as the point was added to hits against him.

Bucky pulled away from him, smirked and turned away. He began walking away. Sam was left, his mouth hanging open.

What just happened.

His mind replayed the events of the past few minutes.

No way.

He slowly walked back over to where his gun had been thrown by Bucky. He picked it up and leaned against the wall, feeling dizzy. He needed to think.

But first he needed to finish the round.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love writing high-school stuff with them ❤️

BTW I'm not American so I know absolutely nothing about 'high-school' so anything I write about it may be cliche-y or dumb.


As always feel free to comment feedback and suggestions ☺

Stay safe :)

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