Drive Thru Date

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Bucky tilted his head in confusion at the menu. It was a few metres away from him and written in tiny writing.

'Uh... How am I meant to see this?'

Sam looked up from his phone.

'Well if you want I can get the menu on my phone but I kind of assumed you'd already know what you wanted'

Bucky drummed his hands on the steering wheel and nodded his head.

'What did I get last time?'
'A burger'
'What did you get?'
'... A burger'

Bucky nodded.

'Yeah I'll get what you got... It was good'

Sam sighed. It was the same as he had got last time too.

'OK then. Drive through to the next part'

Bucky bit his lip as they pulled up to the intercom for ordering. He opened the window slowly and stuck his head out to the intercom.

'Now what?'
'You order when the person spea-'
'Hello welcome to McDonald's'

Bucky jumped in his seat and spun back to the window. He looked at the talking box and frowned.


He glanced at Sam for support. Sam gave him a thumbs up.

OK then


Sam jumped in shock and shot Bucky a confused look.

'Bucky. Shut up! Why are you so loud?!'

Bucky looked offended.

'What? That's what you did? I'm just making sure the little box can hear me-'
'Sure sure. Let me do it'

Sam leaned across Bucky's lap and stuck his head out the window.

'Hey there, I'm really sorry about that. My Boyfriend hasn't used an intercom before'

Bucky shot Sam an offended look as they both heard laughter from the little box.

'It's OK. What can I getchya?'
'Um... Can we get 2 burgers, 2 large fries and...'

Sam glanced to Bucky who's lap he was essentially sitting on.

'What drink do you want?'

Bucky actually thought about it.

'Red wine please'

Bucky glared at Sam and attempted to push him off his lap. Sam slapped his hand away and kept talking.

'You can have coke'

Sam turned back to the intercom.

'Sorry bout that... 2 cokes please'

They both heard laughing again.

'OK that's perfect. That will be 12.60 at the next till'
'Thank you'

Sam moved back to his seat, nodding approvingly at Bucky.

'Well done. You didn't shout when you said thank you'
'Well I learnt from the best'

Sam laughed as Bucky pulled in to the next section.

'OK you know how to pay right?'
'Puhlease. I'm a god at paying'
'I shouldn't have taught you that line'

Bucky successfully paid and got the food. He drove the car a small way away from the McDonald's to a carpark near a Starbucks and hair salon.

'So... How'd you find that?'
'I survived didn't I?'

Sam laughed.

'You always do'

They both smiled at each other for a minute before taking their food out. Bucky opened the burger and inspected it. He groaned.

'Ew...theres pickles'
'You said you wanted what I had last time'
'Not pickles!'

Sam shook his head and took it out for him.

'There. Perfect'
'What would I do without you?'
'Let a pickle ruin your whole meal'

They both sat in silence, eating as the lights in the shops opposite flashed on and off. On and off.

On and off.

Hey! Thank you for reading. I know it was short again but these one shots are so... You know ✌️

Stay safe :)

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