Sick Day

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Thank you so much for the suggestion @sxlmawastaken. I really appreciate it ☺



Sam was so sick he could barely stand. He was shivering and burning up.

He was very sick.

Bucky carried him upstairs to their bedroom and tucked him in, kissed his forehead and closed the door after him.

He was really worried.

Sam didn't usually get sick. He had a strong immune system and always seemed to bounce back. But last Thursday they had sat out in the rain a bit too long, just talking.

It was Bucky's fault.

So he would get him everything he wanted.

He stayed outside the door waiting to see if Sam would wake up and call him. He couldn't deal with this.

He couldn't wait.

He pushed the door open and tiptoed inside to the bed. He looked down at his boyfriend. He was sleeping peacefully, a small smile on his perfect face.

Aww I'm so lucky.

He carefully - as to not disturb Sam - lifted the covers and got into bed beside Sam, wrapping his arms around him. He didn't care if he got sick as long as he could mind Sam.

He fell asleep holding him tightly.

* * *


Bucky woke up hearing a hoarse voice calling his name. And then he was face to face with his boyfriend.

'Hey Sam'

Sam blinked once and then realised who it was. He smiled softly and then closed his eyes.

'Do you need anything?'

Keeping his eyes closed, Sam whispered, 'Please can you get me some water'

Bucky got out of bed, tucked Sam in and headed out to get water. He would like nothing more then to just stay cuddled up with Sam all day but he knew he had to get him things he needed.

He could always come back after.

He poured a glass of water and headed back in.


No reply.

Just snoring.

Bucky sighed and placed the glass beside the bed. He pressed a kiss to Sam's forehead and left.

He didn't know what to do with himself.

He tried to watch TV. He tried to cook something. He tried to read a book.

He missed Sam.

After what felt like years but had only been 3 hours, Bucky heard a sound from the doorway.


'Sam! Go back to bed!'

Sam shook his head and stumbled towards Bucky looking particularly cute and sleepy. He fell against Bucky, knocking him onto the couch.

'Aw Sam'

Bucky chuckled and sat up so Sam was leaning against him.

'Did you sleep well?'

Sam yawned and closed his eyes.

'You want some more medicine?'

Sam sleepily shook his head.

'I only want you'

Bucky laughed nervously and kisses the back of his head.

'You're sick Sam. I don't think we can  exactly be making out. I don't want to get sick'

This was a lie. Bucky just wanted to sound responsible.

Sam groaned and leaned back against Bucky.

'I don't like being sick'

Bucky agreed with a grunt and pulled Sam around to face him.

'You'll be better soon'

Omg that was lazy writing and there's zero story to it 😂

I hope you enjoyed anyway but I think I could do better. Lemme know if you want me to write it again differently.

Stay safe :)

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