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'Look at me'

Bucky smiled, squeezing his eyes shut as Sam turned his face to meet his gaze. He could sense the smile on his face.

'Bucky. Open your eyes'

Sam's voice was gentle. Addictive to listen to.

It was the only thing keeping Bucky alive.

Bucky snapped his eyes open, already smiling at the man in front of him.

'Come on'

Sam's smile was sweet and made Bucky feel brave.

I can be myself.

He opened his mouth.

'James 'Bucky' Barnes. Will you marry me-'



Bucky woke up, trying to remember where he was. He thought back to the night before.

He blinked looking around the room. Sam's apartment.

Why was he here?

He was on the couch.

He could hear sounds from the kitchen. Quiet singing and the light clatter of plates and bowls.

My husband-


Bucky registered the dream. Where he was.

He jumped off the couch, feeling his heart rate increase. He pulled on his sweater that was lying beside him.

Ah no no no no.

He couldn't. He had dreamt...that. And now Sam was in the kitchen making... breakfast?

It was too much for newly awake Bucky.

He put his head in his hands.

'Morning Bucky!'

He spun to face Sam, trying to relax.

Sam raised an eyebrow at his expression, holding a bowl of cereal.

' okay?'

Sam smiled and bit his lip, turning back around.

'Want some breakfast?'


Sorry it was so short! I hope u enjoyed ❤️

Stay safe :)

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