Model AU

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Who knows why I got this idea 😂

Bucky is a model working for a company when Sam a photography student comes in to work with him.

'Hey Wilson!'

Sam spun, clutching his camera tightly in his hands. He was facing his boss who had hired him for this job.

'Yes sir?'
'Its time. Get your equipment ready'

Sam grabbed his equipment and rushed to follow his boss. This was a great opportunity and he couldn't mess it up.

'Um... Sir? How many models will I be working with?'
'Just the one'
'Ah okay'

They entered the studio and Sam blinked in the sudden bright lighting.

'And here's James'

Sam turned to look at the man his boss was gesturing at. He froze.


How to describe Sam's first look at him?

James was perfect. It was as simple as that. His bright blue eyes, visible even from a few metres away. His sharp jawline. His short, dark hair. His obvious nerves at meeting a new person. His eyes were trained on the ground.

'I'll leave you to adjust to the model then. You have 8 hours to get the photos and prepare your portfolio'

Sam blinked as he heard the door click closed. He had to force himself to look away from James.

He knelt down to his equipment bag and took out a camera he didn't need a tripod for, turning to half smile at James. He raised the camera. James paused, shooting him a strange look.

'What are you doing?'
'A little... Shall we say exercise? That I do with models I haven't worked with before to adjust to them... And have them adjust to me'

James frowned and nodded.

'That's very... Considerate'
'Is it? It feels like basic manners to me. I would want to get to know my photographer before they just started snapping pics of me'

Sam smiled and took step towards James.

'May I?'

He held the camera up. James looked into the lense and then back up to Sam's face.


Sam smiled and snapped a quick picture of James' slightly confused expression.

'Wait. What was that picture for?'

Sam looked at the picture he'd just taken. Yes. James was perfect.

'For fun'

James looked taken aback by Sam's words. It was almost cute to see a model who seemed so put together, so confused and flustered.

'Now come over here'

Sam walked past the plain white backdrop and over to the prop table. James followed, looking bewildered.

'Pick a prop'
'Don't you want to choose yoursel-'
'Pick a prop!'

James glanced sideways at Sam but complied, picking up a hat. Sam pulled it from his grip and led him over to the backdrop. He placed it on James' head and adjusted it at an angle, smiling at how cute he looked.

'Okay so what's your favourite position to shoot in?'

James was not used to being asked questions about his opinion. That was just not how it worked for them here. It was strange.


James winced, looking at Sam.

'Please don't call me that'
'Call you wha- James?'

James nodded.

'I... I usually don't ask my photographers this but you seem... To actually care about my opinion so... Please just call me Bucky'
'Bucky? How is that even close to James?'

Bucky sighed and dropped his eyes downwards.

'It's from my middle name... Buchanan'

Sam nodded, smiling. This was good. They were connecting.

Hot god and nerdy student.



Bucky smiled and visibly relaxed, tipping his head back slightly. Sam jumped up from his chair, walking over to Bucky.

'Wait. Do that again'
'What? This?'

Bucky tipped his head back slightly and suddenly was grabbed. By Sam.


Sam adjusted Bucky slightly, ignoring the shock running through him. Bucky just stated at him, looking slightly lost.

'Now. Smile'

Bucky smiled.

'No. Less'

Bucky stopped.

'No don't look like your cat just died. Smile like... Uh- Bucky!'

Bucky smiled at hearing his nickname coming from Sam's mouth.

'Aw cute'

Bucky just stared at him as Sam raised his camera, snapping a picture.

'Okay. Now do the pose'

Bucky obeyed, looking absolutely perfect. Sam took a few photos before stopping, checking how they turned out.


He really was perfect.

'Okay you're doing great. You look great. Are great'

Bucky blushed, making Sam's heart flutter. Crap.

I better not be getting attracted to this model.

It would be wrong.

'Okay so... If you wanna just lie down there, put your hands up behind your head and close your eyes'

Bucky did so and closed his eyes, looking positively angelic. Sam smiled, just staring at him for a second before walking over and standing above him, snapping a few more photos of the absolute perfect humans below him.

'Wow. You really are beautiful'

Bucky's eyes flew open and he blushed, his mouth hanging open cutely. Sam wished he could kiss him.

But nope. He had a portfolio to work on. Not a romance between a cute model.

It wouldn't last anyway.

Sam offered a hand to help Bucky up. He had got an idea.

'Lets go out'

Bucky's eyes widened and he stopped.

'What? W-we can't!'
'Yes we can. Firstly, I have ideas. Secondly, we have like 7 hours left and thirdly-if that's a word- it's not like I'm gonna lose you or get you dirty so they can't get mad!'

Bucky was laughing already. Sam took his hand, again ignoring the shock and pulled him to the door.

'Lets go'

Idk should I do a Pt 2. I kinda want to so... U ain't stopping me if I wanna 😂

Hope you enjoyed! ☺️


Stay safe :)

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