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Tw: verbal abuse, physical abuse, homophobia

She grabbed his arm, bruising his skin. Pulling him. Back. Back to where he had to escape from.

'No Ma I-I DIDN'T'
'You wait till your father gets home! I can't-'

She released his arm.

'I can't even look at you. You disgust me'

She spat at his feet, shoving him into the shed. He instantly panicked.


Catching him off guard, she slammed the door and locked it. He heard her steps moving away and when he was sure she was gone, broke down into tears.

Looking around the broken down shed he had grown up playing in. Remembering Steve and his games. When everything was okay. When he was normal. When he hadn't made the mistake.

He slid to the ground, trying to stifle the tears. He couldn't draw attention to himself. He couldn't cry.

It was weak. It wasn't right.

He covered his mouth tightly, choking on his sobs but too afraid to let himself go. If someone heard...

It would be worse.


He heard the voices drawing closer. A man and a woman.

His mother and father.

His heart rate increased and he forced himself to his feet, roughly rubbing tears away and tensing his jaw. He had to stay strong. No matter what happened.

The door swung open, hitting him hard. He bit his lip hard to stop himself from crying out in pain.


His father. His mother.

She was tapping her foot, watching his father carefully. Warily.

He was confident. Cold. It was worse than the shouting and insults from earlier.

James was scared.

His dad pulled out the belt. His mother looked nervous.

She hadn't intended it to be too bad.

No matter what James did his mother still didn't- couldn't hate him.

But she was afraid of his father.

'James. Your mother's very angry at yo-'
'I didn't do anything! Ma heard a rumour but it wasn't tru-'

James flinched. His mother looked pale.

'Um... Honey? Maybe it was just a rumou-'
'Shut up'

His mother was afraid. For her son. And herself.

But she left. To mind the other children.

Leaving James.

His father stepped towards him, looking him up and down in disgust.

'Don't lie to me James. What happened?'

James looked down. Refusing to meet his father's eyes.

'I didn't'

His arm was grabbed and hit. One painful strike. Enough to make him cry out in pain and pull away.

'Last chance'

James could feel his opportunity to escape slipping away. It was now or never.

'Don't lie. Did you kiss that Murphy boy?'

He couldn't look at his father. He couldn't. He wouldn't.

He raised his eyes, challenging his father.


His fathers face set. He raised the belt.

James froze, letting the belt come down, striking the side of his face. He screamed in pain and dropped to his knees, his left eye shut.





James struggled to his feet and pushed past his father, getting shoved to the floor and kicked.

'No- STOP'

His mother crying, begging his father to stop. His sisters crying. His father's angry shouts. Getting hit.

And he was grabbed and pulled to his feet.

He wished.

No. He was hit multiple times. His vision blurred and he stood shakily, trying to move away.




Her small hand, grabbing his and their father couldn't hit James. It was too risky. He might hit Becca.


But she screamed as loud as she could, in her fathers face and pushed James. He stumbled but as he regained his balance, ran.

He ran. And ran. And ran.

Unaware of where he was going. Passed Steve's house. Passed school. Passed the store.

He reached an alley and threw himself in the corner, hiding. Letting himself cry at last.

He could feel blood running down his face and knew he needed to do something.

But he didn't deserve help.

He was disgusting.

Bucky woke up crying.

It wasn't the usual nightmare. It was a memory resurfacing.

He had gone home. His father had never looked at him the same way again. He wasn't his mother's little boy anymore.

But Becca stayed with him.


Sam had woken up as well. He sat up beside Bucky and reached for him in the dark.

'Are you okay? What happened?'

He started crying again, remembering the pain. Psychically and mentally.

He had never told anyone before. Not even Steve.

It was shameful.

But Sam. Sweet Sam. Sam with the kindest heart anyone could have.

The one who minded him. Held him. Kissed him.

Accepted him.

He explained.

And Sam didn't talk. He just listened and when Bucky started crying again, held him until he fell asleep again.

They didn't need the blue, white and red. Bucky had found his shield.

Sorry if this was inaccurate. I don't know much about what would actually happen. I hope you enjoyed it nevertheless 😊


Stay safe :)

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