'How Did We Get Here?'

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'How did we get here?'

Sam pulled Bucky to the window and pointed.

'In that car'
'No. Idiot'

Bucky facepalmed, pulling away and pacing across the room.

'How did we get here?'

He gestured between them. Something clicked in Sam's eyes.

'We are friends'
'Well I don't think this mark thinks the same'

Bucky gestured to his neck.

'Shut up'

Sam sighed and threw himself on the ground.

'Dramatic much?'
'Nah. Just sick of thinking about... Things'

Bucky slid down to sit beside him, leaning on his shoulder. Sam sighed again.

'Do we have to talk about boring things like... What are we? Can I just kiss you and be happy?'
'Like can I not just relax and not have to think for onc-'

At last Sam shut up, looking at his friend.

'You kissed me'
'-Multiple times-'
'Sam. I need some form of validation in this'

Bucky faced Sam.

'Do you... Like me?'
'Yes very much'
'Or do you just want to kiss me?'
'That too but -'

Sam noticed Bucky expression.

'No no Damn it. I meant like... Ugh'

Sam went silent, leaving Bucky space to talk.

'I want to be in a relationship'

Bucky looked at Sam, begging him to say yes. To tell him someone loved him. But he was again betrayed.

'I... I can't do this. I can't do a relationship with you'

Bucky looked at Sam, tears already forming in his eyes.

'I'm sorry'

Sam left the room.

And Bucky cried, knowing no one would ever love him and want him.

It had happened weeks ago but it still hurt to remember his rejection. It psychically hurt.

If Sam didn't want him, no one would.

* Knock *

Bucky jumped and looked towards the door of his apartment.

'Bucky open up!'

Bucky ran to the door, pulling it open to see-


He opened his arms, smiling sadly.

'I'm sorry. I love you'

Bucky just stared at him, silent.

'I'm home'

He stepped inside.

Bucky slapt him.

Sorry for this mess of a oneshot. Verrry short bc I'm lazy ✌️

Maybe you enjoyed?


Stay safe :)

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