Cat And Mouse Pt 2

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Sam opened his eyes, feeling sore all over. He blinked quickly in an attempt to see where he was. Darkness. He looked around, adjusting to his surroundings.

He appeared to be in a cage, in a cave. His arms were tied up above his head and he was in chains.

Suddenly he remembered.

Bucky stabbing him... He had stabbed him, right? His mind was foggy.

'You're awake'

Sam raised his head to see who was speaking. Bucky stood just outside the cage, holding onto the bars. His terrifying smile was back. Sam felt a sudden rush of fear and he wanted to look away. But he was unable to..

'How are you feeling, Sammy?'

Sam took a deep breath, silently praying Bucky wouldn't unlock the cage. He wouldn't be able to withstand anymore hits.

'Answer me'
'I-I'm fine'

Bucky smiled and walked over to the side. Sam followed him with his eyes, hoping he wasn't getting a weapon. No.

He was unlocking the door.

Sam panicked and began kicking his feet and trying to pull his hands down. If Bucky decided to kill him, Sam would have no way to defend himself.

He heard the door unlock and then close. He was trapped in here with a murderous, killing machine.


Bucky's face moved into Sam's eye line. So attractive. Terrifying.

This wasn't him.

'You might be wondering why I haven't killed you yet...'

Sam didn't reply, hanging his head down. Suddenly Bucky slapped him hard across the face.


Sam lifted his head, a thin trail of blood running down his face. He was shaking.


Bucky smiled, satisfied and stepped closer to Sam so they were face to face. Sam struggled to keep eye intact but if he broke it, he'd look scared.

He was scared.

'Because I decided I have other uses for yo-'
'This isn't you Bucky! Fight i-'

Bucky slapped a hand to his mouth, silencing him. He was angry.

'Don't talk to me like that! You will do what I say'

Sam lowered his head down. He was tired of fighting.

He wasn't getting out of here.

'Now Sammy... I'm going to...'

He stopped. Looking confused. He covered his face with one hand. Was he remembering?

'Bucky are you okay-'

Bucky snapped his head back up and pulled out a knife. Sam's heart stopped.

'So apparently I am going to kill you'

Sam froze. A rush of fear. He was about to die at the hands of his friend.

Suddenly Bucky paused. He lowered the knife.

'But not now'

Sam sighed in relief. Bucky must have been fighting the control of whatever they had injected him with.

Everything might be okay. At least he hoped.

Until Bucky began unlocking his arms and leg restraints. Sam looked down at him in surprise.

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