Snowball Fight

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It was snowing.

Looking out the window was great and all but the snow was beautiful and soon Bucky found himself putting on his coat and stepping outside into the freezing air.

Instant excitement.

He felt like a little kid as he crunched his way through the snow covered grass. He tilted his head back to the sky, catching a snowflake on his tongue. He closed his eyes, letting himself relax.

Suddenly a cold trickling sensation rushed down his back. Someone had put a snowball down his coat. His teeth were already chattering.


He spun to see Sam Wilson with a smug smirk on his face. He had shoved a snowball down the back of Bucky's coat. The shock was immediate and then the realisation that Sam had touched him.

Sam laughed, pointing at Bucky's face as he tried to remove the snow from inside his coat.

'Ha your face'

Bucky struggled for a second before turning to Sam, a determined expression on his face. Sam's smug smile dropped.

'I-I'm sor-'

Bucky picked up a mound of snow and formed it into a ball. Sam froze.

'No no!'

He turned to run but it was too late. Bucky threw it, hitting the back of his head. Sam paused.

'I'm gonna get you for that'

Sam picked up some snow and threw it as Bucky ducked behind a tree. He heard laughing as Sam missed.

'You shouldn't have done that, Buck'
'You started it'

Bucky smiled to himself as he stayed behind the cover of the tree. He peeked around the side and-

A snowball hit him in the face.

His mouth fell open in surprise. He heard laughter coming from Sam.

Oh its on.

He picked up a snowball and threw it in the general direction of Sam. Sam turned to follow the movement of it, laughing.

'Awful thro-'

He turned back to Bucky and was greeted by a huge handful of snow dropped on his head. He froze. Bucky laughed hysterically as Sam blinked the snow out of his eyes and tried to brush it all off.

'Now you know what it's like'

Sam raised his head to look at Bucky, shivering and biting his lips to stop his teeth from chattering. He narrowed his eyes. Bucky smirked and began to step back.

Before Bucky could react Sam had dived at him, knocking him backwards in the snow. He landed hard on his back, Sam on top of him.

He could feel the freezing snow underneath him and the comforting weight of Sam on top of him.

Suddenly he realised where he was.

He looked at Sam who was smirking at the shocked expression on his face. He titled his head slightly, holding himself above the super soldier.

'Still cold, James?'

Bucky couldn't move, even if he wanted to. Sam was only now realising what he had done. His eyes travelled down to Bucky lips and then back up, locking eyes with him.

Bucky felt a sudden urge to kiss him. Where was this coming from? They were friends!

Before he could make the decision, Sam was getting up and holding his hand out to Bucky. He smiled down at him and laughed.

'Come on. Lets go inside'

Bucky took his hand and let Sam pull him up but as he got close to him he learned in even more. Sam's eyes widened slightly, unable to hide his sudden confusion.

They were face to face now. So close Bucky could feel Sam's breath on his face and see every imperfection Sam didn't have.

It was funny to see Sam so flustered. He was usually the confident, put together one but now Bucky had caught him off guard.

His mouth hung open slightly as if he was about to speak. Bucky paused, seeing what he would say.

'Uh... Its cold'

Bucky laughed, turning slightly.

'Well nah'

Sam gulped as Bucky leaned in closer so their noses were almost touching, their lips milimetres apart.

'Want me to warm you up?'

Bucky laughed at Sam's sudden blush. It was cute. These feelings were extremely brave now that they had appeared. He hadn't expected an answer but Sam was already talking.

'Y-Yes please'

Damn. Wasn't expecting this.

Bucky considered his options. If he did this it would change things. Forever. But he wanted it.

Screw it.

Bucky closed the short distance between them, kissing Sam. He didn't have much experience with this.

Not with men.

But Sam responded with shocking clarification. (That honestly made zero sense, sorry 😂) His left hand slid to Bucky's waist while his right held his face, tracing his jaw.

Bucky may have initiated the kiss but Sam was in control. He clung to Sam like a lifeline as he deepened the kiss.

He slowly pushed Bucky back, still kissing him. No thoughts. Just Sam. The snow. And the ice dripping down his back.

The cold numbed his body was his mind was working overtime, trying to understand what was happening.

I can't believe I did this.

Suddenly Sam pulled away and whispered in his ear.

'Being totally honest, I wasn't expecting this'

Bucky frowned, still keeping his eyes closed.

'I... I just never knew'

Bucky nodded but he wanted to kiss Sam again. He leaned in and heard a muffled laugh come from Sam as their lips met again. He felt safe here.

In the snow. Kissing Sam Wilson.

Thank you for reading! Hope it lived up to the very high ✨ Sambucky✨ standard! ☺️  Ilsym ❤️

Stay safe  :)

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