Spin The Bottle (High-school AU)

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An AU where all the avengers are alive and are teenagers in high-school.

Tony pulled out a vodka bottle, dramatically raising it in the air.

'Spin the bottle!'

Steve's expression of excitement dropped to one of worry and confusion. Nat rolled her eyes while Sam put his head down laughing. Bruce frowned and took the bottle.

'Uh... I'm not meant to drink alcohol'
'Yeah... I don't know about this'

Tony sighed, rolling his eyes and shared a look with Nat. She shrugged and laughed.

'Not to drink - but losers! - to play spin the bottle!'
'I don't mind'

Bucky nervously looked at his feet as everyone started agreeing with Tony. He tried not to look up when he heard Sam agree as well.

'Hey. You ok?'

Steve leaned against Bucky's shoulder, looking concerned.

'Yeah... Yeah'

Bucky was not OK.

He was scared. He didn't like randomly kissing people, especially not in front of a group.

And Sam was here.

Bucky had a crush on Sam. No one knew. Not even Steve, his best friend.

But now everyone was sitting in a circle on the floor. Tony, Clint, Thor, Nat, Bruce, Sam, Steve and...

Nat took Bucky arm and pulled him into the circle. Bucky awkwardly smiled as everyone looked at him standing above them. He did a small 360 to find a spot. Steve waved him over but his arm was grabbed by Thor and he was being sat down between him and Clint.

'Uh.. Hi'

Tony clapped and placed the bottle down in the centre of the circle.

'Ok! Let's go! Rules?'

Nat spoke up.

'2 minutes in the bathroom'
'That's not spin the bottle!'

Nat stuck her tongue out at Steve. He scrunched his nose at her.

'It doesn't matter'
'Any other rules?'

Clint spoke up.

'Well we're mostly boys so...'
'Wow. Imagine that. Shocker'

Sam pushed Nat over. She laughed and lay on the ground for a second.

'Ye boys will all be kissing each other'

Tony raised an eyebrow, looking at Steve. Steve turned red and flipped him off.

'I'm OK with that'
'Yeah. It doesn't matter'

Nat laughed and reached for the bottle.

'OK then. I'll go'

She spun the bottle. It veered off but eventually slowed to a stop on Thor.

'Oh god no. Not the god of thunder himself'

Thor laughed, a deep laugh that seemed to echo around the whole room. He stood up, beckoning her over. She sighed, dragging her feet and followed him to the bathroom.

'Have fun you two!'
'But not too much fun!' Steve added.

Bucky groaned. He was screwed. Steve shot him a sympathetic look from across the room.

'I caught that look, Rogers. Very romantic... You gay?'

Steve spluttered, laughing while Bucky put his head down. Bucky wasn't out yet.

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