Sam Throws Self In Front Of Danger

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Thank you so much for the suggestion Sambucky109 Ilysm 😭❤️

Hey I'll rewrite it bc he's not angry enough but this is just slightly different.

Also I know its short but I'll rewrite it so don't worry :)

Sam lay on the ground, a thin stream of blood running down his face. He was fine. It was all good.

Besides the gunshot wound.

Suddenly he heard a sound from his left and then hands on him.

'Oh sh- Sam...Sam you with me?'

Sam tried to raise his head but failed. He heard the voice repeat itself, panicked.



He heard a sigh of relief and he was being lifted up.

'Its ok, Sam. Just stay with me'

Sam mumbled something in response. Bucky sounded panicked and he could hear his shaky breathing as he carried him away from where he had been lying.

'You idiot. Why didn't you wait for me. I told you'

Bucky laughed, sadly.

'I told you to not do that'

Sam closed his eyes, unable to stay awake much longer. Soon Bucky's hand was gently tapping his face and he opened his eyes.

'Stay with me Sam'

'What happened?'

Bucky laughed, sounding empty and he felt him speed up.

'Well I told you not to throw yourself forward like a hero didn't listen'

Sam remembered. He had been set to take the bullet heading for Bucky but...

It had been an impulse. He hadn't thought it through.

'I would have survived, idiot. Why... Why are you so loyal?!'

Bucky sounded like he was on the verge of tears.

'I-I'm sorry'

He heard Bucky laugh and a hand cupped his face.

'Its ok. As long...As long as you're ok'

Sam closed his eyes briefly before he felt his surroundings change. He was being placed down.


He saw Bucky's face swim into his blurry vision. He looked worried.


'Its ok its ok. I just cant get us out of here quickly. I'll have to call for help'

Sam took a shaky breath, feeling dizzy.

'If I don't make it-'

'Shut up. You will!'

Sam smiled softly and reached up for Bucky's face, tracing a tear down his face.

'You're crying?'

Bucky laughed, tears running down his face.

'I-I'm worried about you, Sam. I-'

He cut himself off, looking suddenly surprised. Sam was suddenly curious.


'I care about you'

Sam smiled and tried to sit up. He failed and Bucky grabbed him to hold him still.

'Relax. Its ok'

Sam looked up at he tear stained face of his friend and just smiled. if he was about to die he had better do what he wanted to do.

'Bucky if I die-'

'Shut up! You. Are. Not. Gonna. Die'

A look of anger was on his face but behind it sam could just see the scared little boy, worried about his friend.

He wasn't going to listen. Sam had to show him.

He knew he couldn't sit up so he grabbed Bucky's collar pulling him down to meet his lips.

Bucky jolted in shock but then he was kissing him back. Sam felt blissfully happy as he felt the energy leave his body. He closed his eye and everything went dark.

Bucky pulled away and panicked on seeing Sam's lifeless body.


He shook him.


He became more panicked as he Sam didn't respond.

'No no no no Sam'

He pulled him up ,sitting and held him in his arms, tears running down his face.


He leaned closer to listen to him. To find anything.


And the a steady breathing pattern.

He sighed in relief, almost dropping Sam. Instead he held him tightly in his arms, crying exhausted and relieved tears.



I hope you enjoyed even if it was short :)

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