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Suggested by marvellove15
Thank you sm ☺ ❤️

Any day now.

Bucky lifted his feet up onto the couch, making himself as small as possible. He didn't want to get the call. It was a constant reminder that he hadn't been good enough.

Him and Sam had been spending the week with each other. Otherwise Bucky wouldn't be able to cope and Sam would worry. But they hid their concerns and went on as normal.

Sam poked his head into the sitting room and cleared his throat to let Bucky know he was there. Bucky raised his head towards the door.

'Hi... You ok?'

Bucky put his head down and grunted in response. He heard steps as Sam made his way over to him. Sam sat, making sure not to take up Bucky's space.

'How you feeling?'

Bucky looked up to the man in front of him. His eyes were concerned and his body language was open and welcoming but Bucky couldn't bring himself to speak up. He shrugged and put his head on his knees.

Suddenly he felt a hand on his arm and he sat up. Sam.

'Bucky. We should talk about it'

Birds chirped outside the window as sunlight streamed through the narrow opening in the blinds. Sam waited for Bucky to speak.

'No Sam. We can't talk. It's over'

He had surprised himself by speaking but he still wasn't finished.

'We are going to get the call and then I'll know- I. Wasn't. Good. Enough'

Sam's mouth opened to argue but Bucky kept going.

'He didn't want us, Sam. He didn't want me!'

Bucky could feel tears welling in his eyes but he wouldn't let himself cry in front of Sam.

'He didn't want me'

Bucky remembered Peggy. He knew Steve had wanted her the most.

But he had thought that he had a slim chance...

Steve had made his decision.

And now Bucky had to make his own.

Sam was giving Bucky sympathetic eyes. Bucky didn't want his sympathy. He. Wanted. His. Best. Friend. Back.

He didn't want some stupid sympathy from Sam-

Sam reached out, pulling Bucky forwards, off the couch and into his arms. Bucky's eyes widened and he froze, letting Sam hold him in his arms.

No no no. No sympathy.

But Bucky liked it. He could feel himself relaxing without even realising. Sam's arms wrapped around him were secure and comforting.

Bucky let himself close his eyes and relax for a few seconds before pulling away. Sam shot him a concerned look as he sat back up.

'Please talk to me. I want to help you'

Bucky sighed. He didn't want to but he could feel himself starting to open up to Sam.

'I miss him'

A tear ran down Bucky's cheek. He hadn't wanted this to happen but it was too late. Sam watched it run down his face and moved his hand slightly as if he wanted to brush it away or trace its path.

'I know. I miss him too. But he's not gone yet'
'Steve Rogers my friend is gone. He's not the man I...'

Bucky paused. Would he say it?

'The man I loved'

Sam didn't respond with surprise. He just nodded and accepted it. Bucky was shocked. He hadn't expected this.

'Bucky. Steve... Steve is always with you. The memory and his legacy!'

Sam gestures across the room to where the shield was sitting.

'He's always here... And even if he isn't-'

Sam paused, looking suddenly nervous. He bit his lip and Bucky leaned forward, curious to hear what he had to say next.

'I'm always here for you, Bucky. Know that'

Bucky smiled, slightly and Sam patted his arm.


He looked Bucky right in the blue eyes and caused him to become flustered. He struggled to retain eye contact but just about managed.

'Now do you want some tea-'

Suddenly Sam's phone rang from the table across the room. Sam and Bucky's heads snapped up, looking to the source of the sound.

'One sec, Bucky'

Sam jumped up and rushed over to the phone, picking it up and answering. His face was worried and nervous.

But Bucky could see he was trying to put on a brave face.

'Hi... Yeah its me...'

Silence. Bucky could hear his heart beating.

'...Yes. I'll tell him.... No it's OK. No need... Thank you'

Sam hung up and placed his phone down. His face was grave and impassive.


Bucky stood up.


Sam paused and swallowed nervously.

'He's gone'

Everything rushed out.

The sound dissappeared and Bucky felt himself fall to his knees. Sam ran to him and patted his back as he let the tears flow freely down his face. He couldn't stop the gut wrenching, devastated sound from escaping him.

Weak. You're weak.

But Sam was patting his back and whispering words of encouragement as Bucky clutched on to him like he was a lifebuoy, the only thing keeping him afloat.

He was really gone.

As Bucky continued sobbing he felt Sam grab his hands and wrap them around him. He was barely aware as he was carried to the couch and placed down. They spent the next few hours, holding each other like there was no one else.

Hey there! I hope you enjoyed this. I know it's a bit short but I hope it was good nevertheless ☺

Stay safe :)

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