The soul stone pt 2

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Sam opened his eyes.

He was lying in a pool of water. He turned his head and saw the outline of the cliff that Bucky had-

Bucky was gone.

Sam closed his eyes, forcing the tears to stop. No. He couldn't be gone.

He couldn't be.

Before he could go off in a spiral of crying he felt something in his hand. He opened his hand and saw the soul stone sitting on his palm.

A life for a stone.

It didn't seem like a very fair deal.


Everyone appeared back at the same time. Smiling. Successful. Except Sam.

Everyone began showing each other the stones and... It felt like a celebration.

Sam said nothing, standing in the back. He didn't want to be noticed. All he could feel was the stone in his palm and the loss of Bucky. A friend.

Suddenly Steve turned around to Sam and paused. His face changed. He froze.

'Sam. Where Bucky?'

He knew. Sam could see it in his face. Tears were already staring to form. All Sam had to do was confirm and they would fall.

Everyone turned around. Nat took a step towards Sam. Her face was calm but Sam could see the pain behind her mask.

She knew.

'He- He's gone'

And then Sam broke down.

He put his head down, crying. He tried to cover his face but Steve had closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around him. Then Sam felt a smaller person wrap their arms around him. Nat.

Sam couldn't speak. All he could do was cry. He could hear soft voices speaking about what to do but all he could do was cry.

Bucky was gone.

All too soon the hug was over and he was handing his stone over. He didn't care what happened now.

But Nat and Steve stayed beside him.

Sam knew Steve must have been taking it the hardest. They had been childhood friends. Grown up together. Steve didn't bother hide his sadness.

His face was an easy read. He was devastated.

Everyone was.

As everyone discussed what to do, Sam sat in the back trying to remember everything.

The little things.

His bright blue eyes, his smile, his laugh when you successfully made a joke. Everything.

It was Sam's fault.

No one blamed him but Sam knew. He should have jumped. He should have tried harder. He should have been faster.

He had hesitated.

As he was running away he had slowed slightly as he neared the end which had given Bucky the time to stop him. He had been close enough to fall but he had hesitated.

It was his fault that Bucky had died.

He closed his eyes.

'Bucky... Pleas-PLEASE I NEED YOU!'
'I-I'm sorry Sam... Its the only way'

And he had jumped. And Sam could have stopped him.

He could have stopped him.

But he'd hesitated.

Sorry its so short but I didn't know what to write. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

Feel free to comment suggestions and feedback! ☺

Stay safe :)

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