An Argument

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'I hate you!'

It wasn't the usual affectionate 'I hate you' coming from Bucky. It was filled with anger and tears.

Sam backed away from Bucky. Bucky didn't want him. He didn't need him. But Bucky was advancing towards him, not even noticing how close he had gotten.

'I don't need you, Sam Wilson. I don't need anyone!'

He grabbed Sam by the shoulders, slamming him against a cabinet. Sam winced in pain. He couldn't push back though. He couldn't hurt Bucky. Not now. Not ever.

'You're nothing to me!'

Sam was left in shock. He couldn't say anything. Nothing would calm Bucky down.

But Bucky was crying. Hot, angry tears running down his face. Spitting out furious, destructive words.

Sam was frozen. He was terrified. Bucky had never lost it at him before. He knew Bucky would never hurt him but...

But all he could see was the winter soldier.

'So don't come near me again! I don't need you!'

Sam's mouth dropped open and he could feel tears running down his face. Bucky was centimetres from him, still looking terrifyingly angry.

Then he stopped.

He froze and released Sam, looking down at his hands. Then back up to Sam's face. He noticed the terrified tears and jerked away. Stepped back.

'I-I'm... Sorr-'

He turned and ran out of the room. Sam wanted to chase him but...

He was too scared.

* * *

Sam sat outside, leaning against a tree. He had successfully calmed down and taken his mind off things.

He breathed in and out. In and out.

He was still shaking.

Bucky had never snapped like that. Sam had only wanted to help him but it was like trying to talk to a wild animal.

His nightmares had gotten bad and Sam had heard him screaming. It had gone downhill from there.

'Bucky! I'm here!'

Bucky sat up and instead of looking sad or upset he looked angry to see Sam.

'Get out!'

Sam had only been trying to help but Bucky had lost it at him. It hurt.

He gazed out at the lake near the facility, just taking it all in. He wanted to check up on Bucky but he was scared he'd just scream at him again.

Suddenly he felt a tap on his arm and he turned his head to see...


Bucky looking extremely tired and apologetic.

Sam turned back to the water. He kenw it was petty but he didn't know how else to react.

'Can... Can I sit?'

Sam shrugged.


He heard Bucky sit down beside him and he ignored the urge to turn and see how he was. Bucky sighed and out of the corner of his eye, Sam could see him wrapping his arms around himself like a hug.

They sat in silence, just watching the birds fly over the lake.


Bucky's voice was shaky but tentative. The least Sam could do was listen.

He turned to look at Bucky who looked faintly surprised.

'I'm sorry'

Sam sighed and looked back out at the water.

'I forgive you'


'It's just... I don't want to burden you with my nightmares so I-' Buckys voice broke and Sam heard him stifle a sob.

Sam's sympathetic side was aching to reach out and hold him but he was to stubborn to listen to it.

He stayed still for a moment before feeling guilty.


He listened to his sympathetic side.

Sam nudged a little bit closer to Bucky so they were sitting shoulder to shoulder and put an arm around him. Bucky didn't even notice and when Sam looked at him he saw tears running down his face.

Oh no.

It was hard seeing this side of Bucky. Only an hour ago he had been angry and shouting but now he was making himself as small as possible and crying his eyes out.

'I-I'm sorry, Sam!'

He continued crying, trying to cover his mouth but Sam grabbed his hands, pulling them away. Bucky tried to move away but Sam held him tighter.

'No no you're not getting away from me this time'

Eventually Bucky relaxed and stopped sobbing. Yet tears still ran down his face. Sam felt awful. Even though he had been fighting with him only a short while ago.

'Sam... I shouldn't have treated you like that. You were just trying to help b-but I pushed you away'

Bucky turned to Sam, looking exhausted and before he could react had thrown his arms around Sam, hugging him tightly.

'I'm-I'm sorry I'm so weak but... I really need this. You can push me away if you want but-'

Sam grabbed Bucky's shoulders so they were face to face. He stared straight into Bucky's exhausted, tearstained eyes and began speaking.

'Bucky. Stop apologising for needing comfort. You can call me anytime and I'll be there. You can trust me'

Bucky broke eye contact, looking embarrassed but Sam grabbed his face in his hands and turned him back to look at him. Sam lowered his voice.

'Just tell me what you need'

Bucky raised his eyes, gazing into Sam's and nodding slowly, biting his lip.

'Just tell me'
'Wait... Literally?'

Sam nodded and smiled reassuringly at Bucky. He would literally do anything for Bucky if it made him feel any better.

Bucky was obviously thinking. He seemed to be thinking over his choices. Just to keep smiling and waiting seemed to be the best thing to do until he decided.

'I don't really-'
'Come on, Buck! What do you need?!'

Bucky stopped and looked at Sam again. He looked nervous as he took a deep breath.

'Can I... Can I just have a hug?'

Sam smiled at him and nodded.

'Of course!'

He pulled Bucky in and hugged him tightly, wrapping his arms around his waist. Bucky relaxed and let out a relieved sigh. Everything was okay.

At last they both pulled away, both smiling, slightly embarrassed but happy. The sun was setting as they both looked over the water.

'I'm always here, Bucky'

Bucky smiled softly and whispered.

'Thank you, Sam'

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions please comment them ☺ I am currently tyring to sort out some suggestions but I haven't done urs and it's been a while definitely remind me!

Stay safe :)

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