New Look

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Thank you for the suggestion Shadow0620 Ilysm 🥺 ❤️

BTW what would you like it to be called because the current title is a work in progress? So plz let me know suggestions for a new title.

Before it starts I warn you I don't know how men cut their hair so imma just go with scissors 😂

Its also pretty long... Ish

Enjoy ❤️

Tw: nightmares, brief violence


Bucky couldn't reach him. Even with his strength and his vibranium arm, he still couldn't save Sam.

A gun was raised and a knife held up to Sam's neck, pressing in lightly, marking his skin. Bucky felt his stomach drop in fear as the gun was pressed to Sams temple. He struggled against his restraints almost crying out in his panic to save Sam.


Sam turned to him and a look of relief came over his face when he noticed it was Bucky.



And Sam slumped, blood spilling out of his head. Bucky screamed. A gut wrenching, painful sound. 

He struggled against his restraints and as suddenly as they had appeared, they disappeared, leaving him to run to Sam.

'Sam. Sam!'

He tapped his friends face gently, holding onto the hope that he could be saved.

But it was too late.

Sam was gone.

Bucky woke up.

Panting and drenched in sweat, he sat up in bed. Still shaking from the nightmare.

Sam. Sam.

He needed to check Sa-

No. He couldn't wake Sam. Not for comfort. Not to check on him. Sam was fine. He couldn't bother him this early.

It had just been a dream. An awful, destructive dream that his cruel mind had come up with.

He got out of bed and headed for the bathroom to wash his face.

Staring into the mirror felt surreal. This couldn't be him. Not this long haired, sunken eyed...damaged person.

This wasn't James 'Bucky' Barnes.

Not the one Bucky knew.

Or had known.

The longer he stared the more frustrated and panicked he got.

Looking like this...was too much. This was the winter soldier.

He needed himself back.

Bucky headed to the cupboards to get scissors. It was time he lost the winter soldier look and reclaimed himself.

He didn't bother getting anything special, he just started hacking away at his hair with the scissors. He cut most of the ends off and then realised how badly it was going to go.

He paused, staring at his reflection.

Screw it.

He continued.

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