The Rain Storm

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The quiet drips of rain felt like taps on Bucky's shoulders. He kept turning to see if someone was behind him but no one was to be seen.

He had forgotten an umbrella or coat and it was raining so heavily that he had already got drenched to the skin after only 5 minutes.

He wasn't coming.

He had left him.

Bucky sat down on the curb and put his head in his hands. Sam didn't want him. No one wanted him. He hadn't even bothered to come up with a lame excuse like the others had.

Deep inside Bucky knew that he was being irrational. Sam had probably just got stuck in traffic. But the dark side, the winter soldier side was louder.

He doesn't want you.
You're not even worth a lame excuse.
You're never going to get anything in life.
No one wants you.
You're stupid.
You're dangerous.
You're ugly.
You don't deserve anything in life.

Bucky felt a tear slip down his face before he could hide it. But no one was out here in the rain, watching the super soldier. He could cry in peace.

He let himself cry as the rain poured down on his head and it was like the heavens above had opened. It was absolute torrential rain.

It was almost soothing under the downpour but it was also a constant reminder of his sadness.

Sam wasn't coming.

He tipped his head back to the sky and let the rain run directly onto his face. He was already thinking about what he would do now.

He should just go home and watch TV and order takeout. Be nice to himself for once. But...

You don't deserve it.

He remembered the first time Sam and him had admitted it. To themselves, to each other.

He closed his eyes, letting the memories wash over him.



am closed his eyes briefly and when they opened again they were filled with  tears.

'Bucky... I need you in my life. I can't live without you'

Bucky's mouth dropped open as Sam took him in his arms underneath the shelter of the trees.

'I want to work for this'

Bucky nodded.

'I want to too'

Sam's mouth broke out into a wide smile and he pulled Bucky in for a tight, comforting hug. He felt safe.

'I love you, Bucky'

Bucky gasped at hearing the words for the first time as he clung to Sam like a lifeline.

'I-I love you too'

Sam kissed him softly once and held him as they both shed happy tears.

They were together at last.


Bucky tried not to cry at the happy memory. That was the first time he   he had felt truly safe and happy. And now he would never feel that way ever again.


Bucky snapped his head up and glanced towards the source of the sound. The voice was muffled in the loud, heavy rain but distinct enough to make out.

He squinted through the wet blurry mess that was his vision.



Bucky stood up, drying his eyes.


It was Sam!

Before he could even think, he was racing across the empty street towards Sam who was clutching an umbrella in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other.


They both ran to each other.

As they reached each other they both slowed to a halt, almost crashing into each other. Sam was breathing heavily like he had been running hard for a long time.

Bucky didn't even speak. He just let his gaze wash over Sam as he put the umbrella over them both.

He couldn't speak.

'Bucky, I'm so so sorry! There was no taxi's, the car broke down and I couldn't find my keys for ages. I'm so so sorry!'

He was almost in tears. As was Bucky. In relief.


Sam's frantic , panicked face relaxed slightly on hearing Bucky speak.

'I-I thought you left me'

Sam's face crumpled and he pushed the flowers against Bucky chest.

'I would never leave you. I love you, Bucky!'

Now he did have tears in his eyes. Bucky tried not to cry as he leaned towards Sam, pressing his face against his shoulder as he hugged him.

'Do you want to just go back to my place?'

Bucky nodded, rubbing his tear stained face clean. Sam cupped Bucky's face briefly, his eyes wide and concerned.

'I'm so so sorry. I'll never be late again! I'll fix the car an-'

Bucky kissed him, cutting off his ramble. Sam relaxed instantly but when Bucky pulled away again, kept talking.

'I'll fix the car and I will get a pass for-'
'Sam. Its OK. Let's just go. Please?'

Sam nodded and took his hand, still shooting him concerned looks.

They walked back to Sam's house as the rain continued drowning everything it hit.

Thank you so much for reading! Its literally so sunny here but I decided to do rain 😊 I love rain.

I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it ❤️

Feel free to comment feedback and/or suggestions ☺

Stay safe :)

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