(Wip) Toxic Relationship Pt 3 (High-school AU)

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Yo its been a while and this is trash but enjoy anyway 😂

Sam walked into the cafeteria and looked for his friends. Usually he sat with Nat, Steve, Tony, Thor, Clint, Bruce and a bunch of others. And Bucky.

But Bucky and him were broken up so he didn't know what would happen today.

He looked over to his usual table. Everyone seemed to be there.

And Bucky.

Sam headed straight over, not even bothering to get food. He needed to talk to Bucky. Desperately.


Bucky turned to him and rolled his eyes, whispering something into Nats ear. She laughed.

No. That wasn't fair.

Sam rushed over and grabbed Bucky by the arm. Bucky shot him a strange look and pulled away.

'What are you doing?'
'I need to talk to you'

Bucky sighed, noticing everyone was watching them. He plastered a fake smile onto his face and nodded, gritting his teeth. Sam groaned and pulled Bucky out to the corridor, followed by laughs and loud remarks.

He dragged Bucky to the bathroom and closed the door behind them, watching Bucky cross his arms and glare at him.

'What do you want'
'I'm sorry about being jealous and I miss you and I want you bac-'

Bucky pushed a finger to Sam's lips, shutting him up. Sam's eyes widened slightly.

'Shut up. Just shut up'

Sam stayed silent.

'Stop being so desperate. We are on a break. I'm not going to date someone else at the moment and you won't either'

Bucky was staring into Sam's soul, making his heart rate speed up.

'I love you but you are being ridiculous. Fix this... Jealousy thing and stop. Being. Stupid'

He released Sam but Sam grabbed his hand, holding it in the air.

'What do I have to do?!'

Bucky yanked his arm away and headed to the door.

'Just be yourself. You're trying too hard'

He left.

Leaving Sam confused.

Guys this is a work in progress. I am so stuck on it and I'm just not feeling motivated to write this. Any suggestions?

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