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Sam groaned and opened his eyes. He slowly rotated his head and looked around the dimly lit room.

Oh no.

There was a ma- no, 2 men. Standing watching him and...


The super soldier was facing him, unconscious. They were oddly close. But not close enough to help eachother.

By now the men had noticed Sam was awake. The shorter one stepped forwards, smiling a bit too widely to be face to face with Captain America and the man who used to be the winter soldier.

'How are you...Sammy?'

Sam tried to lift his hands but realised they were cuffed, digging into his skin. His feet were also tied together...but his mouth was uncovered.

'What do you want?!'

The shorter one leaned closer, smirking but when his friend cleared his throat, he pulled away with a sigh.

'You'll find out soon enough'

Sam stayed still, knowing there was no point in fighting. He had a chance...against these guys...maybe. But outside there was guaranteed to be many, many more.

Suddenly Sam noticed Bucky waking up. His friend groaned and opened his eyes, blinking in the odd lighting. He quickly adjusted, noticing Sam. He frowned, eyeing him.

'Sa- Oh no'

He had noticed their situation. He locked eyes with Sam and moved-


Bucky froze and then slumped, shocked into submission.

The taller of the pair, walked beside Sam and Bucky, looking between them. He smirked and spoke the words.

'Take out the serum'

Sam froze.

'S-serum? What seru-'

Sam feel silent, feeling afraid. Bucky caught his eye, shooting him a nervous look.

The smaller man came back with a small needle which he handed to the taller. The man began to roll his sleeves up.

'Don't worry, Sammy'
'Don't call him that'

Bucky glared at the man but Sam could see his hands shaking. He longed to reach out and hold them. Make him feel better.

'This is only a truth serum...and don't worry. I'm giving it to-' He smiled at Bucky, 'Sergeant Barnes'


The man slapped Sam hard across the face, silencing him. Sam's face burned from the pain and embarrassment. But Bucky only gave him an apologetic look and glared at the man.

'Now ready?'
'Don't touch me-'
'Too late'

The man grabbed Bucky, plunging the needle into his right arm. Bucky stiffened and clenched his teeth.


The shorter man stepped forward with a notebook - thankfully nothing like the trigger words - and positioned himself between the two.

'I just have a few questions for you James...that's all'
'Go. To. Hel-'

Bucky closed his eyes, obviously fighting with his thoughts. He struggled for a second but then his astonishingly blue eyes opened, locking eyes with Sam.

Even at a bad time like this, Sam still got butterflies.

'Ready James?'
'Okay let's start...'

The door clicked shut only leaving the man alone with Sam and Bucky. He exhaled and began.

'Tell me what information you have gotten about our...organisation'
'W-we know...some names and what you are do-doing'

The man made a note.

'Where are the records for Karli Morgenthau being kept?'

Bucky hissed in pain but his mouth opened and he answered.

'In...the south facility...cabinet room q46...number...18'

The man smiled widely and clapped.

'Great progress! Now next...'

Suddenly Bucky turned his head to face Sam, blinking in confusion. The man caught the look. His face broke out into a wide smile.

He pulled out his phone and opened the voice memo app.

Sam felt his stomach drop. Something bad was going to happen.

'When you escape...because you probably will, I will ruin your career with this clip'
'James. Explain your feelings for Sam Wilson'

Sam looked at Bucky and slowly shook his head. He was beginning to realise what Bucky might say.


Bucky's mouth hung open slightly and he squeezed his eyes shut, obviously struggling
to control his mind.

'Sam is...a...'

He exhaled loudly.

'Go on' The man pushed.

Bucky looked at Sam and whispered, 'Sorry'

Sam closed his eyes, unable to stop him from speaking.

'Sam is not perfect...words can not describe how I feel about Sam Wilson'

He paused, catching Sam's eyes.

'His eyes the night sky. If you stare into them too long you'll get lost'

Sam's mouth fell open while the man leaned forwards, making sure the phone caught all his words.

'His face is...unreal. Like it's been sculpted by a god. He makes me nervous'

(I'm sorry for the awful descriptions 😭😂)

Bucky looked down, obviously embarrassed but unable to stop talking.

'He makes my heart race and I wonder what it would be like to kiss have him'

The man groaned, sick of recording.

'Okay you know what? That's enough. No more sappy talk'

But Bucky wasn't finished.

'Its unbearable being near him...because I can't act on my feelings...unless...'

He looked up, blinking in realisation. Sam couldn't move. His breathing was unsteady and his heart was racing.

But he didn't have time to comprehend what Bucky had said because the man was already moving on.

'Okay next question...where is Nick Fury?'

Sam froze. No.



But Bucky was already talking. Sam couldn't stop him. Fury couldn't die. Because of Sam.

'Nick Fury is with Steve Rogers on the moo-'

Sam did the only thing he could and leaned forwards, just about able to reach Bucky and kissed him. Bucky froze. Sam froze.

The man groaned.

'Ew no not now...ugh. I'll be back'

They heard footsteps and the door clicked closed.

Idk what to do with this...

PT 2?

Love u all 😊❤️

Stay safe :)

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