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TW: Drowning, pain, crying, bad things, homophobia, abuse, verbal and physical.

This may be a bit dark to some people so don't read if you're sensitive to these topics.

Alright. Let's go.

Buckle up my friends.


James was always scared of the water. Ever since that year. The year it all changed.

'Mom. I like boys'

The words were out of his mouth before he could even consider keeping it in. His mother barely hesitated.

She grabbed his arm, dragging him to the bathroom. Filling the bath with cold water.

He didn't expect what would happen next.

His mother grabbed his arms, pulling them behind his back. He hadn't expected her sudden strength. She pushed him under.

He choked.

The sudden cold rushed in first. Then the panic.

Water filling his lungs, his mouth, his ears, his eyes, his nose. Coughing. Trying to escape.

She pulled him up.


She pushed him back under. He could hear her faint words- cursing him out. Words he had never heard his mother speak. Words he woul never repeat.

He choked.

His energy leaving him as she held him under. He tried to fight but failed.

She was going to kill him because he was gay.

He screamed, water filling his mouth.

She pulled him up. Spitting in his face.

Hi father would have never let this happen. He wouldn't have supported James but he wouldn't have let his mother do this.

He was going to die at the hands of the women who had carried him for 9 months.

He was going to die.

She pushed him under.

And then the door swung open. Becca.


She grabbed her mother's arm, giving James time to pull his head up and breathe. He had to leave while he still had time.

Becca pulled her mom away from him and without even looking at her his mother swung an arm back, catching Becca on her face, knocking her off her feet. She fell to the ground, unconscious before she hit the floor, a thin stream of blood running from her nose.

James froze, still recovering.

His mother hadn't even noticed. She was already focused on James again. Prepared to drown him.

He snapped.

Just like he had done with the bullies beating up Steve in the alleys, he hit out, hoping to move her.

But with his anger and fear he misjudged and punched her across the face, very obviously breaking her nose.

She wobbled unsteadily on her feet, looking like she was about to throw up.

James ran, picking Becca up and leaving the house. No time to get her doll or his shoes.

They were gone.

Gone from the house that had shown them love for years but with one sentence had caused one of them to be almost drowned and one to be knocked out.

So sitting on the beach years later with his boyfriend, watching the waves move in closer and closer. He remembered.

Missing his sister.

He cried.

'Its okay baby'

Sam's comforting arms, nothing like the harsh pain of choking on the water.

'You can cry'

He ducked his head into Sam's chest, letting him whisper sweet, comforting words.

And he cried.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed ☺️

Sorry it was so short.

Stay safe :)

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