Cat And Mouse

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Tw: injuries, blood, trauma, pain, bad stuff.

And good stuff.

But mostly bad stuff.


This was fun to write somehow...


Enjoy ❤️

'Please d-don't hurt me'

Sam's whole body was shaking in fear and tears (and blood) were running down his face.


Another hit across the face, threatening to knock him out but not enough power in it to do so. His attacker knew what they were doing. Sam prayed for unconsciousness.

But he didn't want to die staring into Bucky's eyes.

'B-Bucky it's not you-'

Another hit, knocking him onto his back. He felt Bucky step on his hand and lean down beside him to look him in the eye.


A punch to the face.

Blood was streaming from Sam's split lips and he could feel a deep cut on the back of his head from when Bucky had thrown him down the cave.


Sam tried to raise his hands to stop the hit but Bucky's punch snapped his fingers back causing him to howl in pain and slump back on the ground again, letting Bucky step on him.

He had no energy to continue speaking.

He heard a cold laugh escape from Bucky as he kicked Sam in the ribs. He groaned in pain and just lay still, letting the onslaught of hits rain down on him.

At this point he wanted to die.

'What did they... Do to you?'

He saw Bucky briefly pause before grabbing him by the neck and lifting him in the air.

Yeah. I'm about to die.

But instead of throwing him against a wall like Sam expected, the super soldier lowered him down and with a smile on his face, hissed in his ear.


Sam turned and began to stumble further down the cave. He knew that in reality this was just a cat and mouse game for Bucky, to make it even more fun killing him but a part of Sam actually thought he had a chance.

So he kept running.

Any second now Bucky would be after him, easily catching him. Sam kenw he couldn't outrun Bucky- especially not here but if he could hide...

There was a slim chance he'd survive.

'Ready or not, here I come!'

Bucky was coming.

Sam tried to speed up but he could barely walk. His eyes scanned the walls, looking for a hiding place.


Ah ha!

He spotted a small cage like structure in the mineshaft. He didn't have much time but he could just-

He dived in, hurting his leg. Great. If Bucky found him he definitely wouldn't be able to run now.

He tried to breathe and calm down.

It'll be okay. It's all okay

He heard Bucky's fast footsteps, running down the cave, following his path and prayed he wouldn't find him or hear his breathing.

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