Detention (Highschool AU)

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Bucky tapped his pencil against the table, double checking the last question of his quiz. He checked the time.

5 minutes left.

He sighed and finished the question. Easy.

Suddenly he felt something poke him in the back. He turned in his seat to see the beautiful face of Sam Wilson smiling at him.

'Hey. What's the answer to question 3?'

He's only on question 3?

He must be dumber than I thought...

But Sam picked up his page, showing Bucky that he had finished but just skipped the question.

He felt bad for assuming.

'James. Question 3'
'Fine fine one sec'

He snuck a glance at the teacher. She was busy grading papers. He quickly checked the answer and turned back to Sam.

'Its 69'

Sam's face lit up in a bright smile.

'Thank- Oh hi Miss'

Bucky turned around, realising he was face to face with his teacher.


Ms Morgan had a mean streak and would always punish severely for cheating. Bucky was a good student and never got in trouble.

'James. Samuel'

Bucky looked down, embarassed.

'I didn't-'
'Detention after school today. You too Samuel'

She turned back to the top.

Phew not too ba-

'And a zero on this test'

The bell went. Bucky and Sam stayed still, Bucky in shock, Sam mad.

'But Mis-'
'That's enough Samuel'

Bucky stood up, shoving his chair back, already out the door, when Sam grabbed him.

'Wait James! I'm sorry!'
'Leave me alone'

Sam stopped, his friends bumping into him as Bucky stormed away. He needed the grade. His parents would be mad.

This was just what he needed.

Meanwhile Sam's friends laughed at him. He wasn't as heavily dependent on grades but he was a good student.

He felt bad for getting Bucky in trouble.


'James? What are you in for?'

Bucky dragged his feet to a desk in the centre of the detention room. He was the only one there.

Guess Sam skipped.



The supervisor shook his head but didn't try to make anymore conversation.

Bucky stared at his desk, covered in drawings from years back. He didn't deserve this.

Sam wasn't coming.

Bucky felt a pang of loss...he wasn't even close with Sam! What was wrong with him?

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