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The hand on his neck.

Pulling him in closer to put his arm around him, walking across the Dock. There was something so intimate and sweet about it. The smile, that said more than words did. The obvious trust between them. Trust.

Sam trusted Bucky. It was clear in how he talked to him, how he touched him. How he treated him.

The hand on his arm.

In the morning after the cookout, pulling me over to show him the photo of Sam and Sarah when they were kids.

He trusted Bucky enough to show him childhood photos. And it felt safe.

The hand taking his and leading me
out to the dock.

Sarah was testing the boat. She smiled when she saw the two, a knowing smile on her face. But Bucky didn't know yet.

The hand on his waist.

He was washing the dishes at the sink when Sam snuck up behind him and gently put a hand on his waist, lingering there and then pushing him to the side so Sam could finish cleaning up. It was a normal gesture. But when Bucky looked at Sam, at his expression, he saw there was more to it.

The hand on his face.

When he was sitting on the couch, watching TV. Sam had looked over to him. Smiling. Sweetly. Bucky's heart stopped briefly and he couldn't breathe when Sam moved across the couch and raised his hand to Bucky's face. His hand rested gently against Bucky cheek for a second before Sam wiped something off his face. He flashed Bucky a smile and backed away.

'You had dirt on your face'

A small smile and a laugh. He didn't know how else to react.

The hand pushing his chin up and the hand on top of his head.

Sitting on the side of the Dock, legs swinging above the water. The sun was just setting. Bucky could breathe.

This was where he felt safe.

He didn't notice Sam coming until he was right beside him, sitting down. He didn't dare look at Sam, it made him nervous. He kept his head down.

Until his face was grabbed and his chin pushed up so he was looking into the eyes of Sam Wilson. He felt his stomach drop. He couldn't look away.

'Hey Buck'

He tried to open his mouth but Sam was still holding his face. He was lost for words, gazing into his friends eyes.


Sam was waiting for an answer.

'Hi Sam'

His friend smiled, satisfied. Then suddenly leaned in, pulling Bucky's face closer. Their faces centimetres apart. Bucky couldn't breathe.

Sam glanced down to his mouth and smirked and pulled away, leaving Bucky hanging. He tousled his hair and stood up.

'See you later'

And Sam was gone.

Leaving Bucky, dissatisfied.


Bucky headed out to the trees near the house. He felt drawn there. Drawn to the peace. The quiet. The memories. Memories of talking with Sam.

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